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Everything posted by Ponch

  1. Congrats. You got it going:thumbsup2:. Glad to be of help. Ponch
  2. I have one. Send me an address and I'll get to you. Ponch
  3. Ponch


    Hey you don't happen to have a spare bike do ya? I'll rent it off ya? Naw, I just got the one bike. But I'll gladly meet you and Gunboat for supper. Give us a call. Ponch
  4. Ponch


    Hay MAINEAC, Do you need a ride from the Airport? Give me a call while in Houston or Today (Monday) if you need a ride or anything else. Ponch 832-622-0918
  5. Hay bighop. Any idea what kind of mileage I could expect on the BFG CT? Ponch
  6. Hopnel makes some good ones. JC Whitney carries them, but others do as well.
  7. Had a great time!
  8. Bike looks great Joe. Testament to a job well done.
  9. Ponch

    Scary stuff

    Same happened to me. I just flared the end a little, saded all mating surfaces, put some super glue on it and its held so far. I do check it occassionally.
  10. PB, see link below for install instructions. Its really a piece of cake. Just raise the bike enough to get the weight off the rear tire, but with tire touching floor. I didn't have to remove the AIS valve or anything. Bolts are easy to reach. Ponch http://www.diamondraccessories.com/yamaha/prodinstructions.php?productcode=LLK&name=Leveling%20Link%20Kit
  11. Hay Tom. Mine blew last week. Went to Houston Motorsports for a new one. Brian (service mgr.) said he didn't stock it, but would order it. He said it would be here in a few days. He didn't say anything about a back order. He did say that it would be a three week turnaround on service though. That was Friday. I called Today (Wednesday) to check on it. He said it came in Today. I'm going to pick it up tomorrow. I will install. Not gonna wait three weeks for something I can do myself. I removed the old one tonight. It took about ten minutes to get it off. By the way the service manual says to remove the rear tire and fender. Hogwash! I pulled the passenger boards and frame covers and the upper mount was easily reached. I don't know why your dealer has trouble getting the shock????? I do like the idea of getting the Performance Works shock. I know you'll be happy with it. Ponch
  12. Hay Goose, If the tires are taller, how does the speedometer read now? Higher? lower? I've been looking for a tire or a fix to put the Venture speedo right. Mine reads five over all the time. Regards, Ponch
  13. My 04 started leaking two days ago. Dealer ordered me a replacement. I'm going to install because of a two week turnaround in his service department. Glad for the warranty. Ponch
  14. Joe, I installed a set last week. I didn't like the sound at first, but after riding all weekend, I like it! Not too loud and sounds good when you accelerate hard. I'm gonna leave the cat alone. Ponch:080402gudl_prv:
  15. Hay Don I wear prescription glasses in Transitions® auto darkening lenses. I like them because they vary in darkness according to the amount of UV they're exposed to and they turn clear in low light situations. Ponch
  16. Congratulations Don & Linda.
  17. Freebird, whether you go with the new server or not, I'm sure there are expenses. So I suggest that those of us who can, DONATE!
  18. LA, Sonat, Gunboat and a few others that go the CT route have convinced me to try it on my next change. Good luck guys.
  19. I just ordered a set from Zoom Cycles. Call them. Their website is not to friendly for ordering. http://www.zoomcyclellc.com/ZoomCycle/Zindex1.html
  20. Will let ya know a little later. Should be ok. Thanks, Ponch
  21. "I have received many more favorable comments (mostly from the ladies) about the Raven than I have the Wing. Go figure. " You know it brother. My bud (07' Titanium Wing) and I regularly ride Texas together. I always get similar comments like that. And then they say (to my winged friend) "Oh, your bike is nice too".:rotf::rotf::rotf: Regards, Ponch
  22. I printed some venturerider.org business cards that I hand to prospects. That way they can check out the forum for more advice and have a place to go when they do buy. Regards, Ponch
  23. J&P sells them. Cost more though. http://www.jpcycles.com/productgroup.aspx?GID=FD5116FF-3924-4761-970F-AB529634751A&search=riser&store=Metric&page=1 Regards, Ponch
  24. Good luck Don. You'll be back on track soon and be able to see normal again. Ponch
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