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Everything posted by Ponch

  1. Bill and any others interrested. Check the link below for some interresting rides in the area. Sorry if this has already been posted. http://www.harrisonarkansas.org/motorcycling.htm
  2. Hay BigBoy! Welcome to the site. Regarding the Metz'ers. I have heard and read much about the Metzlers delaminating, but I can only offer you my experience. I bought an 04 used with 16,000 miles on her. She had brand new Metzler 880's. 10,000 miles later, the rear tread had flattened and cupped severely. It still handled ok, but I didn't like the feel of running on the flattened out tread. I didn't notice any unusual noise, but then I'm practically deaf any way. I decided to replace it. My dealer only carries the Metzler. Said he had to much trouble with Avons and switched to Metzler. I thought hard about ordering another brand from somewhere else, but at the last minute bought the 880. So far its great. But I suspect any new tire would feel great compared to a flattened out tread pattern with cupping. It never did delaminate, though. Regards, Ponch
  3. Very spotty showers in Houston. Corpus Christi getting a lot of rain. Ponch
  4. Hang in there Don. That's great news. Ponch:sign outstanding:
  5. After thinking on it a while, I have to agree with Goose. Move it around every year so folks from different parts of this continent can attend. Some will come to all of them. Not everyone can.
  6. Hay Goose. Why not fill it with brass and re-chrome it? Ponch
  7. Janet, Get Well Soon! Ponch & LilBit
  8. I ran my lower left into a farm implement cracking the side and breaking the lower pin tab off. Lowell suggested a while back trying Amazing Goop. I bought some at WalMart. I tell ya, the stuff works good. I just smeared some on with a popsickle stick and let it cure overnight. Good as new. Great news on the warranty. I had them (Houston Motorsports) replace the lower left and both inner and outer fronts under warranty. No sweat. As long as there is no evidence of a crash, they'll replace it for ya. However, every time I open the front fairing something is cracked. A little Amazing Goop (or other suitable means of repair) and the crack stays fixed. Regards, Ponch
  9. Choice #1 Santa Fe NM Choice #2 4 corners, Colorado Choice #3 NW Arkansas Ponch
  10. I got 08 RK muff's with a cat in one only. I left it alone. No performence issues and it sounds great. Ponch
  11. Hay BuddyRich, Is the GPS required to make the cable work with the BlueTooth? Thanks, Ponch
  12. I run 5 front / 20 rear solo and 5 front / 30 rear 2up. Ponch
  13. A friend bought the Cardo Scala Rider Q2. It supposedly talks to other Q2's within 1000 feet. (I suppose it uses the intercom feature to do this) It has a good Bluetooth and the intercom function between passenger/rider works well. He called me from the bluetooth through his cel / GPS and it sounded better than his cel phone without the bluetooth. Regards, Ponch
  14. Do you still have the foam liners in the bottom of the bags? They might add a little insulation. Ponch
  15. No probs here Goose. Ponch
  16. Don, thanks for keeping this site clean. I've had the same encounters as you with other forums that don't pull posts fast enough. Things get out of hand quick. Many leave the site for good. I don't think we want that! There are plenty of forums for political, etc. debates. Iprefer to keep this one centered on motorcycling. After all Life Is a Venture! Ponch
  17. Man, Todd. You're lucky nothing (on you) was broken. Nice repair job. Ponch
  18. Ponch

    I'm back

    Hay Don! Missed you at Gig's. Glad to hear your over the pneumonia. Prayers sent. Ponch
  19. Thanks Rick. Good story. Saw myself in that story when I was young and stupid. You think you can outlive the laws of nature when you're young. Ponch
  20. Thanks to the Giga family for the maintenance day. Good food, people and Motorcycles. Does it get any better. Gunboat, LoneStarMedic and myself left Sunday morning about 8:30. We split at different points but had great weather. I made some detours and got home about 8:30 Sunday night. Spent 10 1/2 hours in the saddle. Got pics, but no time to post them right now. Ponch
  21. Man, Rick, We shure need some rain here.
  22. Thats great. I hope Chantix works for everyone who wants to quit. I Quit smoking 22 years ago (3 pks a day, cold turkey). It was real tough on me. But I got to tell you that I haven't missed them. Cotinued success, :banana:Ponch
  23. Hay Vinny, Just add the $3.00 postage to the donation site. I was gonna donate for dropping my bike over the weekend anyway. Yup, I'm a Texican. Ponch
  24. Glad to help. Yamaha replaced my fairing for nada and let me keep the ring. Ponch
  25. Vinny. I'm going to the post office this morning (Saturday). It's on the way. I'll PM you on the postage. Ponch
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