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Everything posted by Ponch

  1. I'm on my second set of ME880's with no problems yet.
  2. Before cutting a good shield, you might want to cut an old one you don't plan to use any more. Cut at least an inch higher than you figure you need. Mount it up and drive around to see if its where you want it. I cut my stock shield several times before I was satisfied. By the way cutting a Clearview will take out some of the areodynamic function designed into it. (Don't ask how I know) Also, as suggested you might try treating the shield. RainX, Plastex, Pledge, even shaving cream can cause condensation to roll off the surface. Ever try wiping some shaving cream on a bathroom mirror? It works. The best solution I feel is to cut the shield, but you will notice some buffeting you didn't have before. Good Luck & keep us posted. Ponch
  3. One more thing while Im at it I see USA maps where everyone has rode . Where might I find one of these as well. Thank Kelly Click here for the States Visited map. Ponch
  4. Johanne, Hang in there girl. There's alot of folks pulling for your Dad. Thanks for writing in. Ponch
  5. I believe the 94 is a 1500cc motor. I have freiends with that generation wing that go coast to coast with very little problems. Like with every bike, maintenance is the key. A bike in good repair will yield years of good service. Ponch
  6. May you two share many AdVentures togther! Ponch & LilBit
  7. I did the same. Bent my key nearly 45 degrees. LilBit had the spare in her pocket which saved our bacon some 400 miles from home. Ponch
  8. My wing ding riding companion, myself and our wives went on a leisurely ride through most of New Mexico (from South Texas). He kept getting way ahead of us burning the twisties pretty good. Not that I can't do that, its just I regard my life and my wife's life too much to risk ending up at the bottom of White Mountain because I was burnin a twisty a little to hard and lost it. We went to enjoy the scenery as well as enjoy the ride. Once he got so far ahead he had to double back thinking we fell off the mountain or something. Heck, we just stopped to enjoy the tranquility of our surroundings (geesh I sound so old all a sudden). Anyways, I guess I'm preaching to myself. If you're not comfortable riding with these guys, I'm sure there's quite a few of us you can ride with. Ponch
  9. I bought my 04 used from a dealer in Sept 07, w/16,000 miles on it. I've had three warranty repairs made on it with no problems whatsoever. I was told it has five years bumper to bumper (excluding expendable items and required servicing). Ponch
  10. Wish you were there. We are thinking of you and Jeannie. Take care, Ponch
  11. And thanks to all that attended. Don H. you're looking pretty good. Keep it up. Hope the next round of Chemo isn't too rough. Ponch
  12. Remember the old Pink Panther movies? Peter Sellers always had his assistant surprize attack him to keep his reflexes tuned. Yeah, thats it, consider it personl training. BTW, I've dodged those pesky antennaes a few times now. Ponch
  13. Mine had 10,000 miles on it at McKinney Maintenance Day. The tread was already flattened out and looked much like yours. I changed it when I got home and really noticed a BIG difference in handling. Ponch
  14. Sorry JB, I'm out of town Saturday. Going to Waco to see my folks. May be able to swing by Sunday afternoon (if not mowing). With all the rain we've had this week, it ought to be about knee deep by the time it stops. Ponch
  15. Unless you broke a clip off, the stock trim bolt should fit. I can bring my bke over on Friday to compare if you're interrested. Ponch:thumbsup2:
  16. I believe they're having trouble keeping the clutch system bled. It all started with them trying to bleed the clutch anyway. The slave cylinder is probably gunked up and letting air in around the oring(s). Ponch
  17. They're not linked.
  18. I been thinking about trying this one. http://www.911phone.net/Alert.htm Anyone ever use it?
  19. I'm in Tomball (north of Houston). Have jack will travell if not to far. Ponch
  20. Bought a Diamond R back rest last year. Love it. I did have trouble with one of the nuts stripping out, though. I re-drilled both to the next larger size (10 mm, I think) used some larger bolts to match and all is well. Ponch
  21. JB, My wife's out of town right now. My riding depends on if she's in transit Saturday or not. Will let you know. Ponch
  22. but we have a standing commitment on Sunday mornings. Would love to see all of you again and some new faces as well. Have fun! :cool10::cool10: Great to hear Janet is doing better. Hope Don & Linda are well. Ponch
  23. Rick, Excuse my ignorance, but what is Chapter 6? Ponch
  24. WE a friendly bunch. Lots of info. Great get togethers. Come to a meet-n-eat or rally. You'll enjoy. Ponch :BLUE:
  25. I read a bumper sticker the other day that applies to Buddy and many others here. "Need a job done? Give it to a busy man" Thanks Buddy
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