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Everything posted by Ponch

  1. Ray, Sorry about your mom. I'm glad you got to see her recently.
  2. Order a clutch upgrade from SkyDoc17 http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=2905&title=second-genheavy-duty-clutch-spring26amp-3b-full-disc-upgrade-kit-21&cat=22 or PCW racing http://www.pcwracing.net/ Do it yourself using the instructions provided or from the tech forum http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=10518 or Post when you get the kit and we/I will help you. Ponch
  3. The tire Brad was describing is a 180/70/15 ME880. It cleared the drive shaft tube on kevin's '07 Venture, but not on his uncle's. I don't understand why. The 180 width is not recommended for the stock rim, but it fits.
  4. Ponch

    rotor covers

    Randy (GunkyLump) has Road Star (I think) rotor covers on his Venture.
  5. I like it, now that the flood is over.
  6. I bought a Hopnel bib a few years ago and had to trim the filler opening some.
  7. Some use tiny valves for an aquarium air pump. They are available at pet stores and WalMart (I think).
  8. Don't know if it's related to the move, but I haven't sold much since the move. I have had a few inquiries though. It's most likely cause the tachometer price went up.
  9. You can't hide from me. Tom gave me an approximate part of town where he would be and I went to Texas Cycle Chrome 'cause I knew he would end up there. Erin said there was only one person she knew of in the area who sells and installs chrome rims for Wings. She told me where he lives and I found him. His name is Buck and he's somewhat of a legend on the 1800 Gold Wings. If you own a wing and need advice or repair, I think he's an advisor on the Gold Wing Riders Association web site.
  10. We were in North Texas a few years ago at night. LoneStarMedic was behind me about two hundred yards. I saw his light go out (I thought). It didn't go out it went up. He grabbed an unexpected wheelie on his 86'. He rather enjoyed it.
  11. http://public.blu.livefilestore.com/y1pQQD2oahFso1TogH1XRXbyueOn7qHBCx194W81miKv81HF-cPhgHCIAfwTjwNcK-oSaXM6ESvazWxmp9ANiPWrw/11-02--05%20Owen%20Birthday%20Cake.jpg?psid=1
  12. OOh, you in so much trouble now!
  13. Probably has been lowered. The dead give away besides muffler height is where the rear caliper is mounted. The Barron's lowering kit puts the caliper below the swing arm.
  14. You staying over? We got a room for ya.
  15. Good lube that doesn't dry out quickly and a warm tire with a clean (almost polished) rim. My last one wouldn't set right away so we set it in the bed of a black pickup truck and let it sit in bright sunlight. After about 15 minutes, we heard it set. We lubed it with Vaseline. It had more than 80PSI, but I bet it would have set at 80.
  16. Make a few missions and see what is accepted first. I bought a separate vest. One for VR related and one for PGR. Some guys down here mix brand related and club related patches with PGR patches. Personal preference I guess.
  17. My wife will never believe it! (She thinks he looks so young). http://blog.thereptilezoo.com/image.axd?picture=2010%2F9%2Fhbj1.jpg
  18. So far I've had the Nexen and Khumo. Stay away from the Nexen. It has thinner construction sidewalls and flexes much more. Run the air pressure at least 45PSI. Some go 50. If at all possible, ride somebody's bike that has a CT first. It doesn't hadle the same. And some hate them.
  19. Jose, could you edit your info on your profile to include the year and type of bike you have? It makes these types of inquiries go alot smoother. UserCP Edit Your Details Additional Info (3rd block down) What Do You Ride?
  20. I think Squeeze had a link awhile back for adjustable levers for race applications (ie: VMax).
  21. Yeah, me too. Maybe next time. 85º today. We'll see ya in Oberlin.
  22. Sorry Will, I tried three times to call you. I couldn't connect.
  23. Ray, Sorry we missed you guys. I hope your daughter takes the experience and rides again some day.
  24. We changed a fan on a 2000 MM Venture with a mechanical temp gauge. When fired up, it never got over 210º and the fan didn't come on, but it puked antifreeze all over the floor. It turns out the cooling system had air trapped in the top end. Both the thermo sensor for the fan and the gauge (2 separate locations) were fooled.
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