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Everything posted by Ponch

  1. I just replaced my first set at 31K miles. Although some are reusable, I opted to change them all and start fresh. I did save some good one for spares, but I'm thinking I'll buy another set for spares.
  2. I'll take one. Put Ponch on it. I'm up for a M&E too.
  3. http://www.mac-pac.org/temp/motivation.html
  4. Yeah, I did that too. Definately louder than stock. Made at least one careless driver get back in her lane (in a hurry!).
  5. Sure, I could've pieced together something as mentioned earlier, but I think for the money Mark charges, it was well worth it. My bolts fit well. Ponch
  6. Here's a couple of shots of JR's bike w/ no trunk.
  7. Welcome. Sounds like you two will fit right in here. If ever in South Texas (Houston area) give me a call. We'll throw together a Meet & Eat in your honor! Ponch & LilBit :BLUE:
  8. Thanks, Lou
  9. 9k :banana:
  10. Kinda sounds like Wild Bill, but that can't be. The Wild Bill I know rides, I mean flys a wing. Ponch
  11. Gary, Glad to meet you in Athens. I know Leslie was special. I wish Kathy and I could have met her. I know Kathy would have bonded well with her. Ponch
  12. Rick did mine a few weeks ago. We rode 800 miles this past weekend to the TX Stampede. Mine was great! Great improvement over the stock saddle. LilBit had problems with hers though. She's a litle bitty thing and apparantly the new position of the padding pushes her forward a little and causes some back discomfort. I'm not complaining. Rick did an excellent job. He went above and beyond what I asked him to do without additional charge. We just need to fine tune the fit of the passenger saddle a little. Ponch
  13. Didn't do it for the money. I just liked it better than other drink holders I have tried before. I had the swivel type and had a cup of coffee blow sideways and drench me while going down the highway. I saw Squidley's brackets on his 99 and thought this would work for me. He did not use the Kurakyn mounts. I believe he mounted them to the mastercylinder mount on the front. I don't recall if he had one on the rear. Ponch P.S. Bought the clamps at a local M/C shop. No shipping. Here's some shots of Squidley's 99 drink holder.
  14. I used the Kuryakyn 4018. http://www.kuryakyn.com/products.asp?bn=metric&ci=2309 http://www.kuryakyn.com/graphics/products/popup/10314_kur_4024_tt_u_pu.jpg
  15. I use an idea I stole from Squidley. I bought a couple of Scwinn bicycle drink holders (about $5.00 ea.) and mounted them to Kuryakyn clamps. The saddlebag lid clears the bottom easily and the bottom of the front holder clears the tank. Ponch
  16. I ride on reserve all the time now. However, just to keep the petcock from sticking, I do turn it off at night. The most I've gotten after the ticker starts and light goes on is 36 miles (it did not run out yet). At that point it took 5.47 gallons to refill to the top with the filler neck vented. We were two up, pulling a trailer (loaded) and doing 70-75. I plan to pack some spare gas and test the limit under different conditions. Heck even a spare quart of gas should get me to a station in most areas. Be safe, Ponch
  17. Ponch


    Yes, Yes and Yes P.s. the tire guy was not happy. But I was!
  18. Ponch


    Glad you are feeling better.
  19. Two things basically affect carb re-jetting. Air In & Air Out. If you didn't change the type of Air filtration or the headers, you're fine. Those headers are very restrictive. If the mufflers are all that was changed, you really haven't affected the discharge volume. My
  20. Feel better, Don
  21. If going to Eureka Springs, I definately recommend the Edelweiss Inn. Lots of good riding in the area. Other neat stuff. Great restaurant with a view. http://www.mcrush.com/cliffhouse/images/cliff2.jpg
  22. Welcome Thom! We look forward to meeting you. Poch & LilBit:banana::banana:
  23. I have to fix my fence tomorrow and what time is left in the weekend needs to be spent preparing for the Stampede next weekend. Why don't you guys run up to Athens Saturday (10/17/08) for a run through East Texas. There will be quite a few of us there. Heck come up Friday night and come back Sunday. There's plenty of rooms or camping space available. Ponch
  24. Valve adjustment is required at 24,00 miles (per dealer). I don't know how it might affect the warranty, but at $400.00, I chose not to do it. Motor runs great and doesn't make noise.
  25. Glad you're ok.
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