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Everything posted by Ponch

  1. ...your back. Hope you didn't have to stop fast.
  2. Go to the Venture Riders Merchandise forum. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=29
  3. Bevers Kitchen & Gifts and Alejandra's Pie Factory Alejandra Ray 5162 Main Street Chappell Hill, TX 77426 979 836-4178 beverskitchen@texasbb.com www.bevers-kitchen.com
  4. Trying to get to Waco to see my folks for Christmas (late).
  5. see this thread for pics
  6. A co-worker totaled his Mustang a few weeks ago ending up with a bruised bod and ego only to have his Mini Van drop a transmission while out of town over Christmas. He and his wife both work (different shifts) and now they don't have any transportation. They are renting a car for the time being, but are going to have to get something quick.
  7. Hope Dale recovers quickly. Hows about an update on the broke car. Ponch
  8. Lifted it once while wearing slippers and my toes felt like I had been perching like a parakeet for three days or so. :rotf::rotf:
  9. I particularly like the one of your Wing and trailer with handy garbage can mounted on top. Me thinks we need one of those. LOL
  10. I got one, I love it. Bike takes up less room in the garage and makes tire pressure checks and oil changes a snap. I inspect my tires before every trip. The stand makes this quite easy. Just buy a 1st gen centerstand off ebay and make your own brakets per the bracket article and your off. Freebird stand article As for being hard to put on the stand, I drive the rear tire up on a 2 X 6 and then it's not hard at all. I keep a 2 X 4 in the saddlebag that I use on on the road. It's cut just right to place under the front of the frame enabling the front and rear to be off the ground at the same time. Ponch
  11. Save the scrap. It will come in handy for making miscellaneous shields and such.
  12. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=29873&highlight=windshield also check the links at the bottom of this page
  13. Check the International Rally forum below for all the info. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=108
  14. Ponch


    Forgive if already posted, but I thought this was interresting. A young inventor has created a motorbike with a twist - it uses two wheels but they are positioned right next to each other, giving it the illusion of being a powered unicycle. And even better, it might help save the planet.Ben Gulak has spent several years building the electric Uno that uses gyroscopic technology - like the infamous Segway commuter device - to stay upright. The bizarre-looking contraption has only one switch - on or off - and is controlled entirely by body movement. The rider leans forwards to accelerate to speeds of 25mph and back to slow down. It has two wheels side-by-side and has been turning heads wherever it has been ridden. Ben Gulak designed the Uno himself with the help of a simple 3D programThe green machine is so small and light it can be taken indoors and carriedinto lifts - and is recharged by being plugged into the mains.The wheels are completely independent, allowing the bike to turn on a sixpence and the technology takes the balance and guesswork out of riding a unicycle. Its 18-year-old creator is now looking for investors to get the Uno into production and onto the streets.Ben, from Ontario , Canada , said: 'I was inspired to make the bike after visiting China a few years ago and seeing all the smog.'They all drive little bikes that are really polluting and I wanted to make something to combat that.'I started with the concept because if something doesn't look cool people just won't be interested. The Uno works like a Segway - just tilt your body forward to start moving Ben Gulak turns heads from onlookers as he rides past them'After coming up with the concept I started to build it and now have the first prototype and the reaction has been amazing. 'It has two wheels side by side and that means it is easier to turn as they are completely independent and have their own suspension. 'The bike has a 'neutral point' and when you lean forward it accelerates to keep the neutral point in the right place.'It has a couple of gyros and is basically self-balancing - it takes the guesswork out of riding a unicycle.'The bike takes a bit of getting used to because you have to learn to trust it. But it doesn't take long. 'It takes any weight and weighs 120 lbs and can fit into a lift so you can take it indoors to charge it up.'Currently it has a top speed of 25mph, but that will be increased greatly with bigger motors. 'It has a range of about 2.5 hours and it is designed for the commute to work through busy towns. I believe this could be electrical alternative to the car. I'm just looking for an investor to help me get it into production. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXO4Ki8qsvk]Uno[/ame] [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UtlUy65KRc&feature=related]YouTube - Honda FALCON 750cc[/ame]
  15. You can call anytime. If we bug them enough, maybe they'll get comfortable enough with us that they won't mind calling. You know kinda like a distant cousin you can't get rid of. lol
  16. Don't you worry about it. I hope Jan & the sisters know they call us personally. I hope they will. We're as close as a phone call.
  17. We missed ya! Best wishes to you and Peggy for the hollidays.
  18. Enjoyed being a small part of this. Thanks to all who participated.
  19. and rode on them today. went with the 130 up front. So far ITS GREAT!!!
  20. First is of our old 83 Shadow. Next is about a year ago on the WilderBeast.
  21. From a rider who used to refuse to wear a helmet or safety clothes, I say dress for the crash and ride longer. Those pads offer protection. As said, the foam back pad may not be the best crash protection, but its better than the jacket alone. Ride Safe Bro.
  22. I think that says it all. We have to decide where our best interest is. Can we improve our riding skills or do we down size the front tire or jack up the rear suspension and overcome the low speed handling issues only to suffer handling stability at highway speeds. Perplexing. I've been considering the 130 front for awhile and since I need a new front I guess I gotta get off the fence now. Dang it.
  23. Glad you're safe so far. My head hurt reading about your head hitting the ground so much. Nice pics. At least the deputy helped out after causing your spill. You can keep the dropsy donation, you earned it. You are blessed my friend. You got to make the trip and you survived!
  24. Wish you could've kept her, but we know how it goes. NEED PICS. by the way, ever hear from Chris (Crimson Knight)?
  25. Glad ya got a new ride allready. NEED PHOTOS. Later, Ponch
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