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Everything posted by Ponch

  1. Soldering will remove the possibility of the connection breaking down over time. I had a 750 Shadow that caught fire from the stator plug connection while I was riding. The connector plug actually melted and caught fire. Luckily I was able to put it out without too much damage. I soldered the wires and they barely even got warm afterwards.
  2. You dealer prices look ok to me too except for mounting. My dealer charges $65.00 ea. to mount even if you buy the tires from him and bring him the rims. I'm afraid to ask what he charges on the bike. Now I use an independant bike shop for tires. His tire prices are better than the dealer but only charges $20.00 off the bike for install & balance.
  3. on a First Gen trike. Her name is Ellie and lives in my area. I gave her a VR card and invited her to join us. Her husband rides a first gen two wheeler and converted her 86 to a trike using a Troupe Trike kit. I hope these fine folks will hook up with us.
  4. We bought the Arai Classic designed for JMC mics and speakers. They have a pocket formed in the left lower area of the shell that the mic bolts into eliminating the clamp on fitment of a traditional mic. They are Fiberglass lids which is lighter than the Plastic HJC's we were wearing. The Arai's fit snugger than the HJC's. Be sure to try one for fit as mentioned earlier. You want it snug to prevent twisting on you gourd in a wreck. Mine was really snug at first, but fit itself to my noggin after awhile and now is quite comfortable.
  5. what you will buy. There are numerous threads on this subject. Do a search or look at the links below this thread. You should make an informed decision on what to buy (which you are doing now). Buy some tires and form your own opinion. I ran two sets of Metzlers with no problems. I like them. Because of what I've read about other's experience with Metzlers, I decided to run the Venoms this time. So far The Avons are great. I will most likely buy Dunlops next time. Heck, I may even try Pirellis some time. I know the issues some have had with them, but I like to try things for myself. Good luck.
  6. What do you mean?
  7. Shot, I'm running the Avon WWW's. 130 up front. Don't have any experince with the Dunlops yet. Winger friend just put some Dunlops on his Wing (Radials) and he loves them.
  8. Good work Juice! Pursuing a film career? I see an updated EasyRider movie in the works. Hmmmmm
  9. Welcome to the forum. There's lots of info and friendship here. Come to a gathering and you'll see you have a new family. Ponch
  10. I been asking about you. You are right, always take care of family first. Riding is dessert. There's a few of us headed to Cody from Texas. Maybe we can all meet up on the way. See ya. Ponch
  11. You shoulda waited til April 1 for this thread.
  12. I'm 5'8" and have no problem sitting flat footed now. I never lowered the front or the back. Seat height was a more of a problem when I had the leveling links. Had to tip toe to get both feet on the ground. I had Rick take an inch off the seat foam and all is well. Almost everyone I've talked to that had the Baron's lowering kit regretted it. You suffer dragging the floorboards much too easily. You can lose control dragging the floorboards in a curve either by over reacting or leaning so far as to lift the rear tire. Having said that, as long as you drive appropriately (slower in the curves) you should be able to handle it. Just my . Please don't anyone be offended, just my opinion. Ponch
  13. Awesome wife and trailer too. I think my wife is pretty great too. When I bought WilderBeast, it was because of her. I was set to buy her a new car as hers is pretty much wasted. She said that because we are travelling so much right now with her mom's health issues she really didn't want to rack a lot of miles on a new car. So she says "Why don't you get a decent replacement for that worn out 750 Shadow instead of a new car?" The rest is history. What a gal, huh?
  14. Cindy, You so bad!
  15. Hope its not as bad as you suspect. Need some help? We can come push you around the yard or something. Seriously, anything you would do for us and there's not much you wouldn't do for us, we are more than willing to do for you.
  16. Dang, Jim, you cut em close. Glad you're ok. As said before put some better lighting on her. That should help. Each his own, but I wouldn't let it stop me from driving at night in the Houston area. Could be worse, at least those paint buckets don't have hooves and antlers. :rotf:
  17. I've got 08 Road Glide pipes on mine. They work fine, cat converter and all.
  18. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?p=264179#post264179 Lots of ideas here.
  19. It sounds like you're losing fat and gaining muscle. Muscle outweighs fat substantially. You will feel much better. Keep up the good work. Congrats to all who are trying so hard!
  20. JGOROM has a set listed. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php/product/1262/cat/7
  21. You can see those lights. Way better than stock.
  22. Wow Squids, You was skinny, huh? My 2 cents on weight loss. As some of you know, I had the Lap Band surgery a couple of years ago. I lost over a hundred pounds and am stable. This is how the Lap Band works. It is a plastic adjustable band placed around the top of the stomach that restricts how fast you can eat. The pouch formed by it only holds about 1 - 2 ozs. Following is some rules that will work even if you don't have the Lapband. 1. - Don't drink with meals. Don't drink 30 minutes before and 1 hour after meals. Drinking before meals lubricates the stomach making food go down faster. Drinking during and after meals washes the food through your stomach and you eat more. 2. - Take small bites and chew well. Takes you longer to eat. The brain thinks you are satisfied (not full) at the 20 - 30 minute mark after you start eating, whether you eat the whole side of beef or just a couple of ounces. If you gobble your food down like I used to, you can eat enough to feed 2 people or more in 15 minutes and still be hungry. 3. - Eat breakfast. Your brain is programmed for survival. If you don't eat breakfast, you won't lose weight. You merely slow down your metabolism to make your energy last until the next meal. If you start off with a nutritious breakfast, low fat, low calorie, blend of proteins and natural carbohydrates (read fruits/veggies), the body will actually burn calories better than if you skip breakfast altogether. 4. - Avoid empty calories. Sugar and processed carbs (starches, pastries, etc.) can really defeat you. There's a place in everyone's diet for these things, but in moderation. I eat protein first. Try for lean meats such as chicken, fish and beans and nuts. I save the bread for the end of the meal and then I strive to eat only a half a slice. 5. - Enjoy your meals. Don't sacrifice all foods that you love. Just be smart about how much you have. If you absolutely boycott all starches or desserts (Lonna's cheesecake, yum!), you'll only crave them more. Then when you give in AND YOU WILL!, you'll eat to much and then the cycle starts over. 6. - Get some exercise! Buy a Pedometer and walk a minimum of 10,000 steps a day. I usually check my steps when I get home from work and if I'm short, I walk around the block or a treadmill to make up the balance. Its better to get your exercise in sessions of 20 - 30 minutes continuously. Even if you can't, though if you can get in 10,000 steps over the course of the day, you'll burn calories and weight will come off steadily. 7. - Drink plenty of water. Water makes life better. It flushes toxins from the body and replenishes the moisture you lose. 60 - 80 oz of water a day plus whatever else you drink is a good amount. I buy water in 20oz bottles and try to drink 4 a day. Plus in the winter, I drink a lot of coffee. Coffee and Tea alone won't cut it. Even though they are mostly water, they have caffeine in them which is a diuretic. So is anything with alcohol. The more you drink, the more you lose through the bladder. Alcohol also is high in sugar which will defeat your weight loss. I’m no expert, but this works for me. Good luck Guys and Gals!
  23. That's funny, on the "Home" page, the Member's List is still on the Nav bar by itself. On every other page (haven't really them all),the "Community" button is in its place. No big deal to me. Just interresting in light of this thread. Ponch
  24. Might want to have the dealer take a look. I'm in the Houston area. If close enough, I can look at it with you. Would you like to part with the TD handlebars? I've been considering the TD bars or Flanders on my RSV. Ponch
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