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Everything posted by Ponch

  1. http://rlv.zcache.com/sweeeet_bumper_sticker-p128840492749212461tmn6_125.jpg
  2. http://i302.photobucket.com/albums/nn107/billycooper_photos/AwShucks.gif
  3. here's some shots from Freebird's tech write up.
  4. Sorry Mike, I don't have a pic of one on a TD, but it should be identical to the RSV.
  5. On my bike, without the leveling links, the stand raises the rear tire off the ground about an inch. With the links it still clears the ground, but barely. I keep a short 2 X 4 in the saddle bag that I use under the front crash bar to enable me to have the front tire clear the ground while on the stand. It definately stabilizes the bike upright.
  6. I have made a few and will make them upon request. I'm asking $125.00 + shipping. Please allow time for me to find a 1G stand.
  7. LOL Them is Georgia lime slices.
  8. [attach]56545[/attach] Red beans & rice [attach]56546[/attach] Gumbo [attach]56547[/attach] Key Lime Pie & Peanut Butter Pie Me & Da Squid had some today.
  9. Phil, I have one. Send yer addy an' it's your's. [ATTACH]56508[/ATTACH]
  10. I think I have one. Will look when I get home.
  11. http://kitchpotato.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/cookie-cake-2.jpg?w=320&h=213
  12. He's awake and Talkin'. He looks good and is in some pain, but he's in good spirits.
  13. He's out of surgery and in recovery. Everything went well.
  14. Congratulations Granny SnowFlake & GranPaw Buddy!
  15. I seem to remember a thread about an LED gear indicator a certain fellow in Ohio was gonna install. I wonder whatever happened????
  16. Check the sign up list (and sign up). http://www.venturerider.org/forum/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=230&day=2011-07-25
  17. We're planning on it. Tom & Debby are too. Kreg & Janet too I think.
  18. Hay BumpyStump! It's heeerrreee! Thanks, Buddy. It shore is purdy with all the Red Maple leaves and all.
  19. The US Postal system is a little funny about odorific packages. They might sic a drug sniffing dog on it (which might eat it) http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTonmvSJstlx72JUJgngpIPHFOhEgBt8JHXCkUWu34tU8MXmw0uNg http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT8oDAx90CSn65Rj_LRiWUImakYWEgQIlfXzoD-btfRjxiztKQgOA or they might just call the bomb squad to blow it up. Either way, I ain't seen it.
  20. Happy B Day Don! http://www.coolest-birthday-cakes.com/images/coolest-b2-sleath-bomber-birthday-cake-idea-34-21405601.jpg
  21. PM sent.
  22. Yeah, Happy B day Hal, http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_diwhtiqSnuo/SNACvo4Q_RI/AAAAAAAAADw/-TkEhGGMCOs/s320/Hal%27s+b-day+cake.jpg
  23. We had Kelley's carbs off, but were having trouble pulling the valve cover forward on the rear cylinder. We pulled the hoses up with heavy cable tie and the cover slid out to the left side. It can be done! However, I would take the opportunity to set the carb float levels while I was that far into the job.
  24. Congrats!
  25. I heard that Doc Bailey's leather restore is good. https://www.leatherclear.com/cgi-bin/store/pid_01.htm
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