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Everything posted by Ponch

  1. Awesome!
  2. I heard that ol' Just Monkying Around pulled that decrepit old Ford out with his Dodge idling in reverse, going uphill with yer dead weight old a$$ in the way and you left it in park to boot!
  3. Ponch

    Oh, KBay!!!!

    I knew it!
  4. Look what I found near Burnet, Tx.... [ATTACH]47613[/ATTACH]
  5. One of the reasons I went to a car tire is because of the increased load capacity. If you run lower pressures as you would on a car, it's gonna squirm. I run 38 PSI with the trailer attached and no squirm. I found that the Nexen is much less stable than the Kumho. Nexen is a two ply side wall rating. Kumho is four ply.
  6. I think Squidley and KBay should find their true identities and let it forever be.
  7. Mine pulled the tank slapper routine on a trip last year. I poured the coals to it and it straightened right out. Correct rear tire inflation and load distribution (in the trailer) is very key to pulling a trailer safely.
  8. Works great. Cupcake did that recently at a Maintenance day. Scooter jacks were all occupied, so he hobbled the first gen and popped tires off real easy.
  9. We be there, Lord willing and the creek don't rise. Oh, wait the creek is rising. http://citynoise.org/upload/6966.jpg
  10. Yup! Let's roll!
  11. My bad on the incorrect intel for your rack, Patrick. Looks good though! If you don't have other plans and need it welded, send it to me, I'll fix you up. Ponch
  12. I rarely pay much attention to the counter after the low fuel indicator clicks on. It's all relative to how the bike is loaded, wind conditions pulling a trailer or whatever else affects gas mileage. I watch the bars on the gauge. If I'm in an area where gas is abundant I wait til there are no bars left to get gas. If, on the other hand, I'm in West Texas I tend to not wait as long. Ps. I run my petcock on reserve all the time.
  13. Thanks Phoneman! We did the Cody trip last year and came back through you area. Next time we'll look you up.
  14. Jerry, I think the dolly will work, at least temporarily. Another option is in the shelving department of your home improvement store. Some sell plated wire shelving by the foot. They will cut it for you. Monty made his own from a piece of stainless sheet metal that he bent four sides up about an inch. It works great! Still another option is to give me the dimensions you want and I'll build you an angle iron bracket. Later we can build a more permanent solution.
  15. Pregnant LilBit in front of my '73 XS650. [ATTACH]47402[/ATTACH]
  16. Thanks to all for prayers, well wishes and visits. Maintence day was a tough go this year, but the numerous well wishes from the members there made it well worth the trip. Thanks Brad, Dave, Bruce and Rhonda for coming to the viewing. It was very meaningful to mom, Kathy and myself.
  17. Congrats!!
  18. Don & Linda are very devoted to the members here. we pray for his health and her strength.
  19. I can do a two gauge plate (standard size) with one 1 1/2" gauge and one 1 5/8" Drag Specialty tach or a three gauge plate with two 1 1/2" gauges and one 1 5/8" tach. I haven't started making them for sale yet, but here's the one I have on my bike. Boomer (Tennessee) gets the first one. http://i672.photobucket.com/albums/vv87/dawarren77377/Gauges/DSCF5297.jpg?t=1276200872
  20. Chief, try it and see what happens. We all want to know if yer pygmie's can push the venture at freeway speeds. http://spaceandtime.files.wordpress.com/2006/05/marmoset.jpg I tried to bypass the pump on the road, but didn't hook up the hose right. If you hook it up like Kent describes, it will most likely get you by temporarily. I would use a pump for max performance. I bet the au'natural method will suffer under peak load.
  21. We may still be coming. Dad is going to rehab today and we may get to go home tomorrow or Friday. I'll bring some spare parts too.
  22. Thanks, guys. We're transferring him to rehab tomorrow. Don't know when we'll be home.
  23. How's ol' Bob these days? http://www.media-freaks.com/work/leilei/muttley/muttley-00.jpg
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