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Everything posted by Ponch

  1. Larry, I had a set of 08' Road Glide pipes that had a cat in one muffler. It made no difference at all. Had the carbs synced before and checked after. They were still synced. I didn't drill it out and it was still too loud (for me, anyway).
  2. http://blog.dairyqueen.com/images/Bumper%20Stickers%201985.jpg
  3. Dale, I believe it's 3/8" hose, but I don't think you have a lot of options for relocation.
  4. Unnecessary display of RED underware.
  5. No pasties! Come when you can. You'll enjoy it. There are those who work, those who learn and those who visit and eat only. All have a great time!
  6. No offense taken by me. I'm truly surprised we are not having more issues with this trailer. All in all, I'm impressesed. I think that this trailer is a great deal for anyone who wants a low budget trailer.
  7. Elder, Me, LilBit, Squidley, Sweetnothin, Jus Monkeyin Around and anyone else who wants will meet at the IHOP, Spring Cypress @ SH249 at 08:00. Maybe we'll see ya there. Ponch
  8. I think you would have to admit that with all of the HF trailers bought by members on this site, there has been very few complaints. I am very hesitant to buy "cheap" stuff, but I have to say that HF backs their products well and most of their hand tools have a lifetime warranty.
  9. Bought one for LilBit to help with the heat. I thought it would be too hot, but she claims it was cooler than the seat alone. She has Rick's mod's on the seat and that is awesome! She tried the butt beads, but likes the gel better. I use Rick's seat mod with the beads (in Summer).
  10. Good question. I'll order the material and we'll check it against your dash. http://www.guitarpartsresource.com/images/large/PGMTORT-RED.jpg http://i672.photobucket.com/albums/vv87/dawarren77377/Gauges/WarmothRedPearl.jpg?t=1281668650 Red Tortoise Shell >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Red Pearl
  11. I've always been a little off center. BTW, it's all coming out to get laminated with White Pearl. :banana: I've got Black Pearl that I think will look great on a Midnite with Black Face gauges.
  12. Allrighty. I'm taking orders, if interrested. Please allow 3 - 4 weeks delivery. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=3040&title=dash-gauges2b-tachometer&cat=7
  13. If any body already has the gauges installed and wants chrome fittings, I will sell them for $50.00 exchange. Here's an ad. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=3041&title=oil-presadapters&cat=7
  14. While considering older rides, don't pass up the Suzuki Cavalcade. They have a very solid V4 and are very comfortable. The only downfall to me was a higher center of gravity than the Voyager.
  15. The 90 degree fitting might be available in SS, but the base piece is a 20 X 1.50 mm oil drain plug that has to be drilled and tapped. don't think it's available in SS.
  16. Way to go Larry! I knew you could do it!
  17. $80.00 for the set including postage. Please allow 30 days delivery. I'm at the chrome shop's mercy plus they screwed up George's parts the first time around and I had to buy new parts and machine a new base. They paid for the parts, but not my labor. Wondering about the price? Here's a breakdown for you. $10.00 parts, $40.00 chrome, $5.00 postage, $25.00 to drill/tap the base fitting and gas/driving to chrome shop & back (2 trips - 90 miles total). I wish I could do it cheaper. .... Ponch
  18. Wecome, Ken & Becky. Hope you can make it!
  19. Jerry W has a guy that makes them, too.
  20. We'll brang sum Tater Salad and an air compressor (may not be needed if the beans do their job).
  21. Me, LilBit & Jus Monkeying Around went! No Doodles anywhere in sight.
  22. http://www.dan-dare.org/Dan%20FRD/MuttleyAni.gif
  23. Welcome back, Michael!
  24. So's yer face !!!!
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