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Everything posted by AKRefugee

  1. Last Thursday my Sweetie and I were talking about trips on the bike, places we have been and places we wanted to go. One of the trips I have always wanted to take was one across the good old U S of A. Well my Sweetie said that was a trip she had always wanted to do as well so lets quit talking about it and go do it. After thinking about it for oh about ummm 2 seconds I agreed. On Memorial Day we will be leaving the San Diego area and heading to Mocksville NC. I must say that it is due to the advice, assistance and comraderie I have found on this forum that this trip will happen. I don't know many folks that would have let a relative stranger come over to thier home at 6AM to help get their bike ready for a trip like this (THANKS ROD), or other folks getting parts out the door so quickly so we could be safer (Thanks F4). I also feel good about doing this trip because I know if I should have any problems enroute there is a hugh group of folks ready to help out (THANKS FREEBIRD and all those members who are on the VR Assistance listing). Needless to say I have been a busy beaver around here since I am the travel coordinator of this family. I have been compiling list, checking routes, making reservations and working on the bike. I am now to the point that all I have left to do (yeah right) is change the oil and pack the bike, oh yeah and put the new F4 windshield on that should arrive tomorrow, oh yeah and change the headlamp that the low beam burned out on yesterday. There that should do it . . . well except for finishing scrubbing in the new rear tire . . . Anyway during the trip we will have the camera and the lap top with us so we will post as we go and when we can. We both look forward to sharing our trip with you. Maybe we can even meet up and ride with some of you. Our current itinerary is as follows. Mon May 25 - San Diego CA to just west of Phoenix AZ. This will be mostly desert riding. We will take 79 to Blythe then I10 to our destination. We will be staying in Litchfield Park AZ at my mothers home. It will be noce to see her. Tues May 26 - Litchfield Park AZ to Gallup NM. Desert day again. We will be stopping at the Petrified Forest National Park and depending on the time may even spend some time at the Painted Desert National Park. We will be staying at a Super 8 in Gallup. Wed May 27 - Gallup NM to Mesa Verde National Park in CO. Start in the hig desert end in the mountains. Will be going to Window Rock to see the Navajo Nation Museum and then (shhh don't tell my Sweetie I'm going to surprise her) we will go to the Canyon De Chelly National Monument. From there it is off to the Four Corners and then on to Mesa Verde. We will be tent camping just inside the park entrance. Thur May 28 - Visit Mesa Verde for the whole day and then tent camp again at the same spot. Fri May 29 - Mesa Verde CO to Pueblo CO . Mountain time with twisties yeeehaaa. Not sure yet on routing but will probably go via Durango - Montrose - Gunnison. Alternate route will be via Durango - Del Norte - Walsenburg. Depends on weather and mood but really hoping first routing. We will spend the night at a Comfort Inn (ahhh a hot shower and a real bed) in Pueblo. Sat May 30 - Pueblo CO to WaKeeney KS (just west of Hays). Rats on to the straight and flat. We will be going via Dodge City (wonder if Wyatt will be in town). We will be tent camping at the KOA in WaKeeney. Sun May 31 - Wakeeney to Kansas City. Oh double rats on to the freeway. We will be stopping in Milford KS to have brunch with some very long time friends of mine then on to my daughters home. (hah now it's her turn to take care of us heheh). Mon Jun 01 - Kansas City to Evansville IN. Here's that rats thing again freeway all the way. Spend night at my brothers house (I KNOW he will have some GOOD beer). Tue Jun 02 - Evansville IN to Knoxville TN. Whew of the interstate finally. Haven't really decided routing yet but will avoid intersates as absoultely much as possible. Staying at a Motel 6 (king bed for $39.99 and tax) just west on Knoxville. Wed Jun 03 - Knoxville TN to Mocksville NC. Okay I'm in the area so we MUST do it. Yep going to go do the Dragon. Hoping that it will be okay since it will be a weekday. If on the way down there it starts looking crazy will take an alternate routing. Will be staying at my Sweetie's best friends house while we are there. Her daughters graduate on Jun 05 so will will be there at least through that date after that who knows. We have not decided on the return routing but once we do I will post it. I would really like to take my Sweetie to see Mt. Rushmore and my Mom will be in Jackson WY after Jun10 so we may end up going that way on the way home. We will see.
  2. Got mine from hilliss and let me tell you they are great. Ordered late evening on Thursday and had them in hand on Monday. Great quality, great price and every bolt, nut and washer you need. The instructions are so clear cut, and pictures on how to do it were so concise, even I was able to do the job. Also I found exact clamp I needed at www.masclassics.com/index.htm V twin part number 31-9920. Got those in 5 days. When putting them on I found using 200 grit sand paper on end of the header pipe to clean off the existing exhaust grime and spraying it with PAM (so no smell when it burned off) helped immensely. Needed a helper when putting the HD pipes on. One to hold it in place and one to beat them on. I used a 2x4 at end of pipe and a mallet to the 2x4 and caused no damage. The sound great without being loud. Hope this helps.
  3. I use about a 5" across circle of aluminum with a small tab on it. Bent the tab upwards Hook one of those cords from the casino that they use for your slot machine card into the tab hook the other end across the gas tank to the right grip area. Store it in the left saddlebag in the mesh holder. I have never forgotten it when I left.
  4. When I registered mine in March they got the VIN from the fork tube and compared it to the VIN on the prior states registration. The emissions control information came from the sticker inside the rear trunk. I would either go back at a different time and hope you get someone else or ride to a different DMV office.
  5. WOOOHOOO that's great news. Just Keep hammering away at it. He will get his just reward.
  6. Wow Brian glad to hear you were able to gather that one up, get it slowed down and get home safe. Thought about checking your driveway and parking area. You ain't had much luck with tires lately. Remember, when you get mad your suppose to spit nails . . . not run them over.
  7. It's really quite simple KILL A BIKER GO TO JAIL FOR A LONG LONG TIME
  8. Now that you are back :dancefool:I think we will need to keep you at the front of the class. We might need to keep a very close eye on you to keep you out of trouble . Welcome back Boomer:thumbsup2:
  9. Hey Juggler, thanks for doing that for us. I have then saved now so I wont keep hitting you for bandwidth. Really appreciate this info.
  10. I have the Chatterbox as well. Check the small end pins. I have bent mine before and was not able to hear out of one side or the other and once had exactly what you have. Do not disconnect the short cable from the longer cable. That small connection is a weak spot on the Chatterbox's.
  11. Congrats to your boy for soloing that is no small feat. Now comes the fun of building time.
  12. Was out today and went by North County Yamaha in San Marco. They had a Venture on the floor so I of course had to go look it over. It was a really nice looking 2004 Midnight Venture for sale. It only has 8700 miles and they are asking $10,499 for it. This bike is in excellent condition. Beyond the usually goodies it had the leather cover for the trunk (don't know if this is stock or not on the MV's but I want one for my 06 Cherry red). The pipes were drilled out and punched and sounded really nice. It has the Clearview windshield with the vent. That's about all I can tell you about because the wife was forcefully pulling me away from it (guess I didn't hide the slobbering well enough) Just thought I would mention it in case anyone is looking for one. Also thought I would mention it so that it might get bought thus keeping me out of trouble with the wife. If it doesn't get bought soon I do not know how long I will be able to resist it. If you want more info I can give you the number to the place just pm me.
  13. Oh sure it's possible, but if involves the phrase "here hold my beer and watch this" are you really sure you want to see it done???
  14. Who ever was going to do the deed I was going to offer a quarter to watch but now that a speedo is involved I think I will pass.
  15. Wow Brian, Glad you spend the time doing a pre-ride check. Just goes to show how important checking that tire pressure before the ride. I shudder to think what could have happened. Rubber side down brother.
  16. You do like living on the edge don't you. :rotfl::rotfl:
  17. No rain in Seattle in April. Isn't that an automatic state holiday there?
  18. Hey Don, Could you take care of this for us please. Maybe during your "spare" time
  19. I noticed that his run was ending at a shop. Were all his rides from shop to shop?
  20. Congrats on becoming a non-smoker. :clap2: Great idea on spending he money on the Avons. Watch out for those dryers. I'm fairly sure that they are possessed and in cahoots with the ice cream gods. ALL of us here are proud of you and hope your friends success as well.
  21. Lowering the rear only will have a negative affect on this bike. Rather than "tucking in" the rake you will be extending it further degrading the low speed handling capabilities. If I remember right dropping the front end or raising the rear end will reduce the rake about 1/2 a degree. Doesn't seem like much but it make a big difference. With out taking the time to do the math raising the rear end 1.5 inches will increase the rake almost 1 degree. This means that your rake would be about 1.5 degrees higher from where you really want it. That is a hugh difference with this bike. Try returning your rear end back to stock and lowering the front end first. If you still need further lowering you may want to think about using the smaller tire on the front or even getting with Rick Butler and seeing if he could do something with your seat for you. Lowering the back end should be your last resort as you will increase the rake as well as reduce your clearance. Just my
  22. Here are some excerpts from the article The full story is here By Ron Barnett, USA TODAY Sometimes, red means go. Motorcyclists in a growing number of states are being allowed to go through red lights when sensors aren't able to detect they are there. In May, South Carolina became the seventh state to give motorcyclists license to proceed with caution after stopping when the device that causes the light to change from red to green doesn't activate, according to Imre Szauter, government affairs manager for the American Motorcyclist Association. North Carolina passed a similar law in 2007. Wisconsin (2006), Idaho (2006) Arkansas (2005), Tennessee (2003) and Minnesota (2002), all have passed laws the past six years, Szauter said. Bills have been introduced for the same purpose in Georgia, Missouri and Oklahoma, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures and the legislative websites for those states. The Federal Highway Administration says such laws raise safety concerns, but biker groups that have lobbied for the change say they are common sense. Doug Hecox, a spokesman for the Federal Highway Administration, said the states should try to find a technical solution to the problem."We don't necessarily think that empowering motorists to make up their own rules of the road is the safest or best approach," he said. The traffic lights in question are controlled by devices buried under the road that operate similar to metal detectors, according to Hecox. Their sensitivity can be set to detect motorcycles, but the proper balance is difficult to adjust, he said. California has chosen a technological solution. A law adopted last year requires that when new traffic-activated signals are installed, they be capable of detecting motorcycles and bicycles.
  23. Wow looks like $450 for the first set up (short sleeve shirt, hoses and cooler) and than $140 for the second short sleeve shirt. $190 for a long sleeve. For that much I can do like I do now. Gallon baggie with T shirt and filled with water and a gallon of water in the saddle bag. Stop about every hour swap out shirts add water to bag and keep riding. With my mesh jacket it feels like sitting in front of an AC.
  24. WOW I work at home and while on the computer I heard multiple aircraft flying overhead. Since I am a sucker for aircraft I had to go look. There are 3 aircraft flying simulated air combat over my house. Two are painted in WWII paint schemes and one appears to be a safety spotter. Seems they swith off roles so two are "fighting". Once a "kill" is achieved the loser seems to be come the spotter and the other two go at it. The one that looks like the P40 is kicking butt. HOW COOL I THAT. Been a good 45 minutes and they are still going at it. Why do I think that my work day is done? Think I will go for a ride when they are done. Back outside to do some more watching.
  25. Hey Butch and Rod sent you PM
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