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Everything posted by bpate4home

  1. bpate4home


    Interesting read. Is it really the Feds blocking it or the locals, Did she talk directly to a CDC official who told her no. I find it a little hard to believe as they are testing a bunch here in Houston because they 'might' have been exposed. You can read all over where they are testing multiple hundreds just due to potential exposure.
  2. Sweet ride. No matter how hard people want to complain about Fords they're good trucks. I'm Jealous. I need to pay the bike off and then get my wife a newer vehicle. We both have older vehicles, a 06 Tahoe with 190K on it and a 03 F150 with 160K on it. My '06 Venture had 105K on it when I sold it. I like triple digits I guess.
  3. Neither my Dad or my Uncle talked about what they saw and did in the war. A couple of my related stories: The first centers on the after effects even decades later. We had a small mobile home that we would use to visit my Uncle in WV. On one such trip we got a flat and after changing the tire and getting to my uncles place we called around to find someone that had the tire in stock and could do the work. We get to the garage and the place used an air impact driver to take off the lugs. When it first hit both my dad and my uncle hit the ground, flat, with their heads swiveling around. I was 13 or so at the time and didn't put 2 and 2 together until I was told why later that day. Second was when I was in HS. I started monkeying around with computers when I was 14. This included a visit to the house by a guy in a suit because I had connected to a gov't computer. Nothing happened other than my Dad telling me to 'turn everything off, NOW'. I was also pretty active in sports with multi year letters in multiple sports. This got the attention of the Draft Sergeants who were all over me to join the various branches. The Draft had been terminated recently so they kept promising all kinds of stuff since I had 'Computer knowledge'. Even said I would be a LT right out of basic. He was adamant that I not sign up at all. Even telling them to get the 'ef' out of our house and off our property. That's one word I don't ever remember him using except then. He basically told me that based on his experience he didn't want me to have anything to do with the military. He was very vocal about 'those bast*** in command'. At times I wish he would have told us more but. . . . .
  4. Happy B-Day and I so glad I can no jump to the second page.
  5. That was really cool. Makes one wonder, could sound be used as propulsion in space? With that question in mind I used the handy dandy Google and found this from 2004 https://aviationweek.com/new-propulsion-system-uses-sound-waves. There are several other counter points to this but. . . . .
  6. God the K Car. I had 2 of them and couldn't kill those 2. I was in IT consulting at the time and would put 75K mi a year on a car. I bought 1 used with 105K on it and added another 100K In 3 years with the new one I put 190K on it. I had gotten out of consulting while I owned that on but the wife and I drove it everywhere. We couldn't fit 2 additional little humans on the bike I had at the time.
  7. My Dad and multiple uncles were in WWII. My dad and his brother both volunteered and said they knew why they needed to fight, they didn't need a Draft Sargent to tell them why. Also, remember that while some politicians hid their sons from the draft many others did not. Sending your own sons and family cannot be easy. Wow, this is pretty much the extend of my defending Politicians.
  8. bpate4home


    Hope your son feels better soon. I travel quite a bit domestically to and this is the start of allergy season here for me. Tree pollen gives me a nagging light cough every year. I lightly coughed into my sleeve on an elevator and the only other person moved as far away as she could. I had to laugh but should've just given her a hug ;-)
  9. bpate4home


    We will remain on opposite ends on this and no need to look for a safe place for me. This is not a government trying to block free speech, it is a privately run forum for a specific purpose. The guidelines and policies are open for all to see what they are before they sign up. I still believe that private people still have a say in what they do. I also believe that this is a private board and those who moderate it say it what is allowed. Once that is done we choose to participate or not under the guidelines of the private entity (the board).
  10. bpate4home


    I also had a post removed and given the nature and purpose of this site, I'm OK with that. I'm a little harsh at times and I know that I can - and probably will - offend some even though it is not meant to. Yes, we are adults and should be able to deal and cope with differing opinions as such but unfortunately the few tend to shoot that in the foot for the many. I understand the 'Language Police' but as stated by Uncle - this is no democracy. The policy helps the admins (Don) too so that he can act quickly and decisively globally without having to pick and choose. Do it, tell about it and move on.
  11. The idea of GPS tracker is a solid one. Shortcomings include the range though. I checked out their site and they have no specs on range listed but looking at the demo video's the range is very limited. With this you must be close to the suspect. Would there be a chase to get close enough? Also going back to this being about a bike chase, I see little to no success with this against a bike. The line needed to hit a bike with any accuracy/success rate has to be astronomical.
  12. Do you have a wired headset? It was the only way I could test mine by barrowing a cable since I don't have one. Also, ch 19 is widely used in the US travelling the highways, used by truckers. you can ask for a radio check while near a highway and someone usually responds. I read on one of the forums that if the antennas are reversed the CB may not work. I cannot attest to that though and it could have been someone yanking a chain so to speak.
  13. bpate4home


    You do understand that was said to people with complete sarcasm.
  14. C'mon now, how am I going to watch the Star Trek reruns without that screen.
  15. bpate4home


    Yep, and unfortunately logic has been thrown away with it. According to the CDC in the US alone for the winter of 2018-2019 ~43 million got the flu, 647K hospitalized and 61K died. These numbers were higher in '17-'18 and this years numbers are going to be lower. This comes out to about a .15% mortality rate with the flu. Currently the Wuhan Flu estimates are about a 1% mortality rate. Based on numbers I just saw it is closer to 3%. there have been just under 9000 Wuhan Flu cases WORLD WIDE. This story line is being so far over bloated IMHO. I had to fly home to Houston from Boston Thursday. I'd guess 30 - 50% of the people getting on a plan had a mask on. The lady in front of me brought a small can of Lysol or equivalent and was heavily spraying everything. I told her if she sprayed it in my face again we would have a problem. BTW for a couple of weeks now I've been telling people in the office not to pop the packing bubbles, the air is from China. It takes roughly 2 weeks for air to circle the globe. There are a ton of mitigating factors, yes, but generally a good number to use.
  16. You're right on both accounts. My did lit me up plenty and I was never afraid to put my hand on my kids backside if they needed it. It was also pretty rare as my kids had 'that fear' of getting spanked that I did not. I also wacked my son on the backside when he was 5 or so because he ran in front of a car. A neighbor was a social worker and came running out of her house threatening me. I told her she needed a good spanking after she almost got hit by a car too, also told her she better bring a lot of people because no one was going to take my kids from me with out a major fight on their hands.
  17. Who's playing who? Did the officer really smell pot? I know a some people who keep cigars on them though to cover the smell of pot. I personally wouldn't know. I also think stopping a vehicle because of tint is a little questionable too. The Driver made the mistake of putting the car in Drive though. As soon as that weapon is pulled adrenalin on both sides takes over. He had his hands up while the car is in drive and he never obeyed the officer's commands after that.
  18. This is pretty on point with my view. Hence why I tend to side with the officer on this. I definitely think bumping the bike was questionable. Someone commented that from the sound of the bike's engine he short shifted or missed a shift causing a quick slow down, I cannot say that I heard anything like that or see it in the video. My Son's GF was just hit basically head on just this past Friday by someone under the influence of what is believed to be prescription pain meds. Broken left femur (in 2 spots), broken lower right leg, broken left wrist, broken ribs, lung damage they are still trying to nail down and already multiple surgeries. The guy on this bike chose to run putting countless other lives at risk. There are very few that I would say deserve to die, I do not believe this is the case here. The rider did not deserve to die but he chose his path as a larger portion of runners on bikes end up on the ground. I don't know the circumstances around why he was being chased but he ran, running multiple red lights and so on. Again, the rider chose his path and ultimately it comes down to that.
  19. I agree, for the most part. I agree in that I don't want a big brother scenario of any kind but the thought of sensors showing surrounding vehicles is intriguing. A light showing someone crossing into our lane like a car obstacle light. Now add some fun to that with a series of small paintball mounted guns to mark the car as a threat to bikes. Houston highways are notorious for tailgaters and those that will cut you off with no warning, I would love to mark these vehicles.
  20. Here is a brief read on IoT for Motorcycles. https://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-a-connected-motorcycle-could-save-thousands-of-lives/ Sensors along the line of what's in a car such as lane breach detectors. Interesting in concept but I think most riders would reject the idea flat out as a distraction while riding. Is it a bit much? What are your thoughts.
  21. Not a gun debate but Thomas Jefferson has been quoted as saying 'Laws that forbid the carrying of arms disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. Such laws makes things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailant; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for the unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.' Needless to say I think he was a pretty smart guy and the quote still holds true today. I personally had a discussion with a MS13 member, at least he had the tattoo and his coworkers attested to it, about conceal and carry. He basically said that he did not like the Texas laws about conceal and carry and that he, while with the gang, was much less likely to attack someone that was an unknown or not a rival if they thought the person might be packing. They didn't want to get shot either. That gives more weight to the quote above.
  22. Even if he didn't shoot someone I tend to side with the law on this one. He was given plenty of opportunity to stop. He put more than just his life in danger.
  23. I tried a Shinko on my '05 several years ago not sure which model. I started moaning at about 5000 mile because the tread was nearing being worn out. At 5500 miles I was already at the 'replace me strips'. I ordered a Nexan car tire to go dark. After another 500 miles (I have an 80 mile round trip for work) I was on a slick and the Nexan was delivered and installed.
  24. I don't think Paul is on this site but he is on the Facebook Venture / Eluder page. You might want to reach out there.
  25. I agree with Freebird here. I had a dealer approach my RSV shock issue the same way a couple of years ago. Mine was already out of warranty so I replaced it myself after the rubber / sealed area failed a couple of months later. Mine was real clear what was happening by then too. I'd be pushing the dealer hard on the warranty repair.
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