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Everything posted by bpate4home

  1. I thought they were introed in late 82, kind of like the 64 1/2 Mustang. That 1st gen is what made me fall in love with the Venture heritage. I was 16 when they first appeared in a dealership where I would get parts for my '81 400. I turned 17 in November. The dealer wouldn't let me test ride it because I was only 16.
  2. I too have started with season 1 ep 1. Only 6 or 7 in though as I'm one of the few still in the office and not working from home. So far it's an interesting watch. You can tell she is somewhat new to the whole VLog thing. It will be even more interesting to see how she adapts and changes.
  3. I had a wobble at 90-95mph. I bumped the pressure to 36 psi and it was smooth to 100. I ran 75 - 80 on the highways regularly.
  4. I purchased this for my '06: Nexen SB802 165/80 R15 It matched the site tables on https://darkside.nwff.info/?p=tires
  5. I've seen this one from every one of my team.
  6. here's the thread where Freebird talks about his. https://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?137623-mods-so-far&p=1044635#post1044635
  7. Unfortunately I am too short for any road pegs I've seen so far. I've been looking at the Jac-Knife pegs as a solution but haven't pulled the trigger yet. These connect to the foot board.
  8. Good morning VentureFar. I know the Sena system has a wireless adapter, do you know if hey would work with a PackTalk Bold series. We use these in the group rides but I would like to have full connectivity to the SVTC systems also.
  9. Did you look under the settings / audio output that your default is all checked? It will then auto switch when a headset is plugged in.
  10. I replace my clutch using the Barnett spring replacement set. Did it in my garage. I don't mind working on stuff but would never classify myself as a gearhead. I did have my son who is a mechanic close by for comfort but it was super easy in my opinion. Go for it.
  11. OH NOOO!!! They even survived the Zombie Apocalypse. Also don't forget about the Waffle House index https://www.wafb.com/2020/03/24/waffle-house-closes-locations-across-us/
  12. Interesting. Not much of a gearhead but how can this engine be applied to bikes? We already have Big Bore V-Twins. How can this translate to 2 Cylinders vs 3 and would that even work. I get the exhaust limiters and turbo chargers. I'm a little miffed on the variable valves benefit to a bike though?
  13. Self Medicating while Sanitizing from within.
  14. I'm in Texas and no such order here. I am considered an essential employee to our Firm. I will be in no mater what. Unless they impose Martial Law I'll be working. Can I work remotely, yes. I would come in mostly out of spite now.
  15. So while driving to work (yes driving, it was raining ) there were 2 trucks that lost their load. One was cotton and they were talking about having a hard time with the clean up. All I could think of was for them to announce it was Toilet Paper and it would have been gone in a heartbeat.
  16. My cousin posted this from Nemenz IGA Bakery in Struthers OH. TP cake
  17. Check out YouTube fore George Carlin Germs. I won't post the link due to the foul language standards would go out the window. The guy was a genius.
  18. Katy Texas regular $1.65 - $1.75, Premium $2.15 - $2.70. A few days ago I paid 2.60ish for Premium where yesterday I paid $2.40ish.
  19. Maybe aftermarket is a better answer then. https://www.ebay.com/p/15011069095?iid=263092811979&chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&itemid=263092811979&targetid=883071789526&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9011861&poi=&campaignid=9344508364&mkgroupid=96003368313&rlsatarget=pla-883071789526&abcId=1139336&merchantid=101683955&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2s7tt7um6AIVBOiGCh2afweAEAQYByABEgI6jvD_BwE
  20. I agree with you 100%. It's funny that the definition of pandemic excludes seasonal flus or we would have world wide panic every year. Here's my uneducated view point, is this a Pandemic - no, is it epidemic level in some areas - yes. The key, and it is a very loose, interpretive key, is how many epidemic areas does it take to be called a pandemic? China, Italy and Iran alone could be used to define a Pandemic. How much of a concentration is needed to be called an epidemic? The first cases around NYC were in a neighborhood north of Manhattan. and proportionately there were a lot in that neighborhood. Was this epidemic levels for that area? Yes, in the Neighborhood but not for the whole city. The maps that they show of the world with red dots is incredibly misleading and I believe intentionally so. The size of these 'dots' are increased in size as the number of cases grow in an area. Zoom in on the US and the scale of the dots starts to become a little more relevant to the pocket areas. Zoom in further and forget it, accuracy goes out the window. For example, the Texas maps shows cases only in the Killeen area which is totally false. I also don't believe there is any single area in Texas where the level of active infections constitute an epidemic. This type of presentation is only for imagery impact and not for accuracy. Basically in a couple of words, I believe it is 95% + Hype in the Americas, especially in the US Media.
  21. WV report their 1st case yesterday. Love WV for riding, did a lot there when I was a kid.
  22. The guys here are great and very helpful. Hopefully someone can answer your questions better than I can. I didn't find them until I had the SVTC. there is a forum for tech on the 99 - 13 Ventures. you might want to search that too.
  23. When I was 16 - 17 I only had a Honda CB 200 and then a Yamaha 400 Special II. Since both were tubed tires I had one tire for the winter that a local tire shop put studs in. The guy was, well let's just say skeptical, basically telling me I was nuts. I would stop in every few weeks or so just to give them a laugh. Yes, I was a little nuts ;-)
  24. I had the '06 Tour Deluxe and it fit me well as far as reach, I'm short. I have the '18 SVTC now and I had to put on a set of ROX Risers to make it comfortable for me. this may be an option for you.
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