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Everything posted by bpate4home

  1. I really like her world trip stuff and her treks through Norway and such, I was disappointed in a few of the more recent vids and have not kept up. I'll have to go back and watch / catchup again.
  2. Man, that's after surgery? That looks my left hand after a run in with a table saw and one of those wobble style dado blades around 2001. I still believe I'll live to be 149 and shot by a jealous husband in the back as I'm running away. LOL Gotta have goals in life.
  3. This have been sitting in my YouTube queue. Was a little disappointed in some of he other vids this year but given all the limitations on her riding I get it. I will need to watch these in the coming weeks.
  4. While the video provides assurances of manufacturing ammo the shortage itself is real. Demand is the issue, they cannot keep up with it. Demand is also why the cost is through the roof.
  5. Can you elaborate on the helmetless i/c? I wear a halfie but I have these fabric pockets for the i/c headphone holders. Not really happy with these in the hot / humid weather of Hosuton
  6. Contradictory is 100% correct on all of it. The Chicago area medical person said in an interview that COVID deaths are very loosely applied. Used the scenario of testing positive and then getting hit by a car you would be put on the COVID Death list. The CDC even adjusted their numbers to only 6% of all COVID deaths were actually caused by COVID. This was wildly contested (and now lost to the annals of the public short term memory) by the Media because Trump mentioned it. But who are the Media - They are the purveyors of misinformation.
  7. So do you follow the Science from ~April-May timeline where they said the public should not be wearing masks?
  8. Simple question: Whose science are you going to follow?
  9. I would love to be less connected overall but I chose my career in IT. It is important for me to be able to connect back to the office anytime, anywhere and speed does matter. I have a 5G phone and will be one of the first guinea pigs. On a positive note now that I am more management than tech I may only need to be on the phone to the team to get issues corrected quickly.
  10. The IP address is a special-purpose IPv4 address called localhost (loopback) address. All computers using TCPIP use this address as their own but it doesn't let them communicate with other devices like a normal IP address does. You can block it but it will cause issues, even in a Linux environment. ISP routers / corporate firewalls / local firewalls will reject any packet coming in that has involved in anyway unless otherwise told to do so. This address will not allow anyone access to your computer.
  11. It's been cold for Houston (low 30's a week or so ago then low 40's in the mornings) but . . . I can still ride. I don't mind being cold, I don't mind being wet but I hate being cold and wet.
  12. We will keep Earl and you in our Prayers. May God watch over Earl during this and Bless your entire Family with a speedy and full recovery.
  13. It's been a long long time since I've ridden in snow. I highly doubt I would do it today. Cold - no issue but snow on the road is a different story today. BTW knobby tires were worse unless there was at least a few inches on the ground. I found a Mid level tread pattern worked best. The pic below was the bike I rode in the winter in Ohio as a kid. He found this going through his stuff a few months ago, it was right after I gave it to him.
  14. I need a vacation but not in that storm.
  15. That's normally a driver issue. If you want to dig through logs to identify well. . . . . . That can be annoying. I would just check the Video adapter mfg web site, motherboard chipset and the subset for the hard drive. Most mfgrs have tools on their web sites to help with this.
  16. Remember as far as Drs go, they don't call it practice for nothin'. You know yourself far better than they do an you need to push to get better. All Drs I know want you to stay home from work and sit around, I'm not that type. I had a run in with a table saw ~20 years ago. I'll keep it short but I missed 1 day of work right after it happened and 1 day after surgery to repair most of the damage. I feel this really helped me mentally as well as physically. I'm and IT guy so I can work with 1 hand if necessary and was not putting my well being at risk although but the Dr thought differently. First day of physical Therapy they were testing mobility and strength. Therapist ask what I was doing and besides work I was rubbing the palm of my hand on my steering wheel - constantly. She called the Dr into the room and said we're done no more therapy needed. Dr gave me a little grief and then said well done. He was a nationally know surgeon specializing in repairing nerves in the hand. Actually did a paper on my hand because my wife had take pictures all along the way. I talked to him about 5 years later and he now recommends Grip, Squeeze and Rotate like I did on the steering wheel using whatever to grip on. Got a chuckle out of it. I had to replace that steering wheel after a year and I still find myself doing this occasionally.
  17. I know nothing, NOTHING. 🤪
  18. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 So drunk neighbor it was.
  19. Your Drunk Neighbor trying to get to the wrong house. 🤣
  20. Good luck with the surgery and the recovery. The disclaimer sounds more like an opportunity to have some fun?
  21. Reminds me of those 1940's chase scenes where they double the film speed.
  22. It's a time issue. I'm working at the moment. I may or may not get back to it.
  23. OK I watched the first 5 minutes but it was really the still shot in the comment that got me. Specifically after @Patch's comment above. My first though was Stargate the movie. 🤣
  24. OK b4 y'all run me down I did do a text search on all the posts. Before I joined I had an '06 that started running hot on me. I went through a lot of stuff and spent a couple hundred on parts and the bike kept running hot. I'm on a ride with a group, get stuck in traffic, the temp light goes on and have basically given up thinking out loud of selling the bike. I open the manuals on my laptop as soon as we get to the Hotel and Pour through the electrical first. No reason just did. Then it hit me The radiator fan must not be coming on. I start looking for a replacement. The that light bulb moment, the fuse for the fan. Finally find it and replace it. It did not look blown but that did the trick. Just a thought.
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