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About bpate4home

  • Birthday 11/10/1965

Personal Information

  • Name
    Bob Pate


  • Location
    Katy, TX, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Woodworking and Riding
  • Bike Year and Model
    2018 Venture TC


  • Occupation
    IT Management

Phone Number

  • Phone Number
    (281) 386-7694

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  1. Back to normal for this time of the year in Houston. Actually, expecting potential record highs in the low 80's. Rode to the office Monday and Tuesday.
  2. Yep, we had multiple issues because we were out of town when it hit. We lost power during a week of sub-freezing temps. Our Sprinkler system back flow valve cracked, pool pump cracked, and our tankless water heater (which was in the attic) cracked inside the unit. I did most of the repairs myself and still spent close to 3,000 to fix it all. Luckily a neighbor saw the sprinkler break and turn off our water or it would have been a lot worse.
  3. Well for them it appears to be. This is my backyard, about 35 miles west of Houston. just a dusting. It is coming down harder now and they say we could see as much s 6". I dowbt that. High is expected to be 38 and the low tonight 17.
  4. Growing up in NE Ohio we always put the water lines at least 32" underground. My dad was a pipefitter at Ford so we put the majority at 40". When we moved to Houston area about 20 years ago our first house had the main water line in iron pipe coming out of the ground and then into the house. To top that off the hot water tank was in the attic. I asked the realtor what idiot was doing this type of work and she said that's how it's done here.
  5. Not as cold as y'all but should get down to about 17 here in the Houston area. Also, Snow 4 - 6" which they just don't see here. They are putting Brine on the roads. I have to try and fly out Wednesday morning, should be interesting.
  6. Well, I was in Irvine CA for the wildfires (actually for work not for the fires) the 1st half of the week and came home to Houston in the low 30's. No snow though. That was a reason why we left northern Ohio.
  7. Nope, Government controlling the information flow.
  8. Belated Happy New Year everyone. Spent the day with little to no technology. It was actually a nice day until I was pulled into the New Orleans Terrorist attack for our office status, reaction and planning. Then 4 hours of non-stop emails and phone calls. Everyone from our company was safe but there was one employee that was evacuated because he was a couple houses away from the rental house the terrorist was using.
  9. Yes it was a good morning and a good ride to the office. 54 degrees when I left the house.
  10. Merry Christmas all. Good day was had with Family. Lunch of Pork steaks on the BBQ, Cream corn, Grean beans, Fresh Bread all the dessert lined up. then Sit around the fire pit and smores with the grandkids.
  11. Could be a bunch of different things but one thing they all are --- is an invasion on our privacy.
  12. That's one meat I never thought of or had. I've had a pretty large range too: Racoon, Groundhog, Gator, Squirrel, Snake even Ostrich once. We used to have place close to our house that sold "exotic" meats.
  13. BLT on Seeded Rye, lightly toasted with Mayo is a fallback favorite but I also enjoy bacon egg and cheese on a good biscuit. The egg needs to be over easy though. need that yolk soaking into the biscuit. If I don't have a meat at the house and need a quick sandwich I'll do Tomato, Lettuce and a slice of cheese on white with mayo. Father in law called it a sloppy slurpy lol.
  14. Depends on traffic which can be bad. From my house it 35 - 45 miles depending on the route I choose to downtown. I am close to 99 and the West Park tollway. Most days the ride in (leaving around 5:30a) it's 40 minutes down I10. On the way home if I leave by 3:30 I can be home in just under an hour. 4:00 is about 1.25 hours, 4:30 is a little more bur between 5:00 and 6:00 departure it would be 1.5.- 2 hours. That's the reason to go in early and leave early. I'm lucky to have that flexibility.
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