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Brake Pad

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Everything posted by Brake Pad

  1. I came on to the bike at an intersection tonight, pounding through to third gear, and saw a little red light come on , on the lower left side of the instrument display. What was that? It only stayed on for a few seconds. then when I got home, the bike seemed to be running fast.
  2. 1076 miles in 26.5 hours dragging the trailer 778 in 18 hours pulling the trailer once. longest hardest day 2 up with trailer 535...Never again......
  3. Miramar, about 5 hours south-East
  4. still trying to get this together, Miramar, Florida ( Ft. Lauderdale)
  5. my front tire, weights were off slightly, I had the removed, and the tire rebalanced, not as bouncy anymore. also check the front forks (4 lbs) make sure handle bars are not lose. give the fairing a shake? I have the same bike and the same issues
  6. Your on it, Yamaha Davidson Okay, bad joke.....Sorry Freebird
  7. Dumb question, Can someone show me a picture of an I basket please? I haven't a clue as to what your talking about....
  8. lets see, last trip, 2800 miles, 700 was the fuel, On the road for 9 days so figure 7 nights in hotels, the bus was cheaper
  9. My longest tank was 167, but i was riding at speeds of 45 mph, alone and no trailer
  10. A Red Royal Star Venture sighted on I-75 heading North, Just the rider, wearing Red, Heading for Alligator Alley I-75 North. anyone from here? Saw the rider at 8:30 am, Looked like Rhode Island or SC plates
  11. http://www.matrixmfg.com my bike is in the photo galley
  12. so, no pictures ? My wife needs better support, we need to see pictures.
  13. No Eck, I don't believe I have, But that would have been done during the prepaid program? Okay, So, change the Oil & Clutch spring? Regular oil in the engine I rolled the bike at about 30 and killed the engine, to see if if made any noises. nothing I just changed the rear end oil about a week ago
  14. Just wondering if anyone uses, an additive in there oil to help with the shifting? and/Or make the Engine run smoother?
  15. Prayers for a speedy recovery, your family in South Florida
  16. 4 prong connection
  17. So, You really want to know why I left the neighborhood? Burrrrrrr.
  18. I can't get it to load on Venture riders, I'll post it on my face book page Michael Brady/Ft. Lauderdale Fl
  19. Yep, sounds like the pistons what to bust out of the engine. I'll see if I can down load a video
  20. My engine sounds real loud while its sitting on the stand, is there a way to make the engine run smoother?
  21. So, You going to tell him, or your going to make him sweat a little?
  22. two up 60 % of the time, but went at 37,000 miles, no pot holes, that we can remember, one day, it started losing pressure
  23. You could have come home to NOTHING!!!!! Awesome DOG!!!!
  24. Not sold in Flat Land Florida:rotf:
  25. I guess every state is different. Florida you can drive on a regular license. up to 40 ft, and pull a 10,000 pound trailer. But I upped for a Class B, In case we wanted a bigger bus down the line
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