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Brake Pad

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Everything posted by Brake Pad

  1. Do I have a reason?
  2. If Mr. AngryAmish were to purchase this, a relay would work fine with me. Have you ever eaten at Lightsey's on top of Lake Okeechobee. Fantastic sea food.
  3. Well, Capt D's brother from another mother lives just south of you. I met & rode with Capt D when (WE) had the Meet & Eat in Cocoa Beach a few years ago.
  4. can I raise the handle bars, they hit my thighs when turning ( 36 inseam ) all legs
  5. Well, Illinois, Wisconsin & Minnesota, don't take my Florida License. I guess, I'll have to carry My handy Dandy SlingShot.
  6. Geez, with all this Ribbing I'm getting, I would have gotten a side of coleslaw with the order:stickpoke:
  7. Yes. you're just up the road from me.
  8. now, I'll have to paint the trailer to match again !!!1
  9. Option # 2. the honda shop had two 2012's one Black & one White, before my trade in 22,200.00 out the door. I got 7,100.00 for my 07 Venture. as a trade in.
  10. Thanks so very Much Jeff
  11. Yes, yes it is !!!!!!
  12. Now, I'll never leave my Happy Home. But I just rode this home in the pouring rain on my new 2012 Honda Goldwing.
  13. I have a 2nd Gens Diamond R Backrest (Pillow) I paid 229.00 I would like to part with it. But there is a catch. I'm looking for 175.00 Here's the catch portion: send a check or paypal, to snaggletooth & His daughter. The buyer must let them know its for the Drivers Backrest. Then send me a private message with your address & I'll send you the backrest:bowdown:
  14. Welcome back Cindy, You were missed:bawling:
  15. Yep, me too
  16. Bump again
  17. Yep, what he said !!!!
  18. is he insinuating, that this bikes are for old folks?
  19. home.comcast.net/~loudgpz/GPZweb/ManometerNotes/ManometerNotes.html
  20. Well, We'll see how the New Goldwing Fairs. BYE BYE Venture:mo money::mo money::7_6_3[1]:
  21. I have also had a 190 Metlzer on the rear. you'll have to call broward motorsports in davie florida and bombard them with questions on the tire sizes for a Venture. the last three tires I had on the bike were a 190 & 2-180's
  22. Okay, the shop is taking it off, I'm going back to a Metzler 180, I have a used/new tire for sale. (322 miles on it )I just paid 238.00 installed, asking 150.00
  23. after reading all there was to know about the E3's I stepped up and bought one. Man, can't tell you I hate this thing already. I used to run a 180 or 190 meltzer on the rear, But the E 3 came in a 170. The shop guy stated it had a stiffer sidewall on it. Yesterday, I laid the bike over into an intersection turn, and passed the chicken strip. the bike started slipping sideways. Not happy with this at all. I will be replacing it for a wider tire. this tire will be for sale very soon. ( about 400 miles on it ):mo money: I like peg scraping at intersections
  24. 2005 yamaha venture, I think 53K on it:Venture:
  25. this afternoon I took a friends bike for a ride and I get this "like grind...grind.....grind...sound/feeling while in gear... But when I pulled the clutch in and free wheel the bike down the highway, the sound stops, what can this be? at first I thought the front wheel bearings needed greasing ( like a dry spot ) and when I roll the bike, engine off, I did not get the clicking noise on the rear hub. New sound to me. my friend asked as he just bought the bike and can't figure it out he said the clutch is new about a thousand miles ago. any Idea's? I'm no bike Guru, My friend james need some help with this one.
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