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Brake Pad

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Everything posted by Brake Pad

  1. My Blonde Bomber got a Facelift today. $85.00 Bucks:twing:
  3. And, the Boy's of Florida Welcome you Back, We will see you at the International:twing:
  4. I had seen one on a friends bike, and like the chrome look, so I bought a set. two weeks later I had a doe run across the road in front of me and come to a complete stop. I hit her. 1984 goldwing ZERO, Doe 1:bawling:
  5. Brake Pad


    65 is max speed, but a nice tire, the Loadstar has a K rating 87 Mph
  6. Brake Pad


    no just harbor freight, but not crazy about their selection
  7. Brake Pad


    I'm trying to find a store that sells 4.80 X 12 (5) lug trailer tires. Most store sell just the wheel & Tire combination. Other than Loadstar. is their any other good tires out there? Not mine But Real Close !!!!!
  8. For Us in South Florida, It falls under City Taxes. The City of Weston, Major tax rates for the community, average 12K per homeowner. Pembroke Pines: about 5500 a year Miramar: 3k to 7K Pompano beach: (Fort lauderdale areas) are lower because of tourism. its holds the majority of taxable income from visitors.
  9. One card is for planing trips, ( I have one) but the card for the music & Nav is the one that is missing
  10. ordered the highway peg extensions Trailer hitch (Rivco) & 5 into 4 wiring was ordered last week I still don't have an SD card for the bike (22 days and counting) all that :mo money::mo money:I put out and still not enjoying my new:twing:
  11. 87 if i have too, 89 most of the time
  12. Day 22, still no SD card. But got a 340 mile ride in today, High :twing:winds, rain and all
  13. this system is used on Coach buses, when going down hill, take your foot off the brake, and downshift, the big light strip goes on as you roll down an incline
  14. This of course is something that has to be explored. Checking, or keeping up with the ruling, its best followed by the NRA
  15. It was a small piece of the Key west experience. But Yummy for the Tummy:thumbsup2:
  16. Well, I hope you go, I'd have to eat my Key lime pie all alone:bawling:
  17. Breaking news from Illinois. Both the Illinois House and Senate passed the proposed concealed carry bill which will bring a concealed carry permit program to the last state that didn’t have one. What is most inspiring is that the bill was passed with a veto proof bi-partisan vote. This means that even if the governor vetos the bill, the legislature has the votes to override it. According to GunsSaveLife.com (different website from this one, but just as awesome), The Illinois Senate passed HB183 earlier today by a margin of 45-12-1 (36 required to over-ride a governor’s veto) and the House approved it moments ago by a vote of 89-28 (71 votes required to over-ride a governor’s veto).
  18. I'm going to cancel this event. My wife schedule changed and she'll not be there all weekend. Her training will end saturday morning, Instead on Monday morning. so I will not have a place to stay ( for free) while up there. I love y'all but I can't afford to pay for a hotel. The bucks are being saved for the international
  19. I'm going to cancel this event. My wife schedule changed and she'll not be there all weekend. Her training will end saturday morning, Instead on Monday morning. so I will not have a place to stay ( for free) while up there. I love y'all but I can't afford to pay for a hotel. The bucks are being saved for the international
  20. for the time and place, in life. I was scuba diving every weekend and training for a Padi Divemaster. I had to have my dentist make special mouth plates, for my regulators. after a while that go to expensive. I had a Plate made, for the 4 teeth that were missing on the right side of the mouth. cheaper, than the implants. I paid 1400.00 for the plate ( that have been there now 18 years) I inquired about upgrading, but the price was too much. My brother in law, suggested going to brazil, and having the work done. airfair & a place to stay, for the work to be done was cheaper then going to a local dentist by thousand of dollars ( just something to thing about )
  21. I'm thinking you're just getting started, Practice is over. May there be many more Happy Years Between you,
  22. I drag a trailer for the bedding and food, lock smaller items in trunk & saddle bags. I also put a better lock on the trailer
  23. I'm game, for the Oasis, its about 15 miles for the hotel
  24. we were on our way up 65, during a heavy rainstorm, our trailer was being pushed around as Big Rigs, came passed us. I kept moving closer to the shoulder as they came up on me.
  25. I was given the map data card, buy a friend in the shop, But still waiting on this SD card. okay, so I'm going to download all my stored computer music files. ( America, Doobie Brothers & Buffalo springsteen) Really, I'm not that old !!!!!
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