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Brake Pad

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Everything posted by Brake Pad

  1. on average about 24,000 a year:178:
  2. 17 degrees
  3. I thought I got badded also. that wouldn't work I hit the freemasons riding club site 1st then here, Then Motorcycle towing forum, then the master masons forum. that would really mess me up.
  4. Do you know my Mother?
  5. This is a Rated "G" group. No Naked People allowed:nanner:
  6. Okay, I'll go for the feel part.
  7. Okay, Here's the stupit question, How do you know, How much you put in the trailer, to be able to weigh it? for tong weight? I just load my trailer, with Ice chest just forward of the wheels and load all her suit cases infront of that, then I load my one travel bag, on top of the Ice chest, add fold up chairs in the back of the Ice chest:rain2:
  8. Sunny and 85 Degress
  9. YES... !!! all leather and it would not matter anyway, I'm a married, Single Guy:think:
  10. Oka, this is for real. the wife wants me to attach a 6 inch DVD player to my helmet, so she can watch movies, while we travel. My thought was stay the :Im not listening tohome................
  11. Rock Ledge is 188 miles for me, I can do lunch:thumbsup2: I just checked your milage, I think its off alittle bit. From Edgewater to Rock ledge is 56 miles
  12. at 136 or so I go to reserve. bike alone about 30 miles on reserve Pulling the trailer, reserve at 125 & I get 24 miles on reserve not to mention, my trailer is for small cars
  13. Edgewater isn't that far, I'll stop by so you can pull the Rover By Matrix
  14. florida doesn't have hills to help you go faster, thats cheating:doh:
  15. do you have alot of money to spend? Same Size, 1/3 the price www.matrixmfg.com
  16. Zero to sixthy in Four Hours and fifteen minutes, why'd you ask?
  17. I had the 1984 aspencade model 1200 cc Lets put it this way, you take care of the motor, and it will take care of you. 237,000 plus miles on mine when I sold it, that was back in 1996 Lived in New York State then, Rode with the Royal Knights, of Plattsburgh, New York Out of Adirondack Cycle center
  18. Welcome to the club, get used to it., its a normal sound off the bike, wait til you get the clicking ( Dry Hub ) Thats fun too.
  19. The wife & I plan to be up there, the wife wants to go the daytona. somethings wrong with this picture:think:
  20. you must know someone i know, I got this yesterday as an e-mail
  21. Sooooooo, wheres the pic-tures???
  22. My tire had alittle over 3K on it when it went. Now I have a ME880 180/80 on it, wider tire, lower profile, buy I keep my eye on the pressure. 40-41 in rear , 41- when pulling the trailer & 38-40 in front. I put new tires on the bike, one week before we met up, on the way to Ark., so Sept 18th or so, and now the tires have alittle over 6 K on them
  23. Thank You, for the web-site. we're planing on moving our liecense plate down & painting the Us states, on the top of the trailer
  24. Anyone know where I can get two outlined USA stickers, so I can fill them in as I go along?
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