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Brake Pad

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Everything posted by Brake Pad

  1. Freebird, this better?
  2. well, you know, I can change anything on the picture.Throw some Ideas out there, so I can finish this thang!!!
  3. This is my entree.
  4. I got mine from diamond R, its now sitting on the cabinet in the garage, , tired of sitting on the gas tank, 6' 4":mo money:
  5. http://maps.google.com/local_url?q=http://www.creekviewcampsite.com/&dq=camp+grounds&f=q&source=s_q&output=js&hl=en&geocode=&vps=4&jsv=202c&sll=41.932422,-73.865204&sspn=0.318751,0.843201&oi=miw&sa=X&ct=miw_link&cd=1&cad=homepage,cid:3118117545951711298&ei=GR5qS4CxLJHCyATyt6DRBA&s=ANYYN7mhr_07YRAOPbJFn-YOl2SBRz6j5g i think this will work
  6. Geico 528.00 full coverage
  7. Gee, guys anything to be post hounds:confused24:
  8. Yes, Traveling men
  9. Well, you have two brothers coming up from ft. Lauderdale, from the Stone Cutters Chapter Of the F.M.R.C., Invited by the Dixie Travelers WS (Brother Stickman)
  10. I replyed " Go F*** yourself, I big Bold letters.....
  11. If Nasa can sit around and think up this ****, then we should be able to make an adptor to cool two riders at once:mo money:
  12. I called you.
  13. I guess, it falls under personal taste
  14. Man, that garage looks like mine....LOL.....
  15. What happened to the thread about the glocks? It was shot down................
  16. I had a 1984 aspencade, then later went to the Venture, One because, we were in Star touring & riding . But now, when we travel, wings pulling trailers BLOW BY US!!!!!. and the question comes out of the wifes mouth, how come, we don't travel that fast. well, 1st we have a 1300, they have a 1800, the venture, slames into the wind like hitting a brick wall, the wings, slice through it.
  17. Hell, I'll just give them my SS # and they can go look it up themselves.......
  18. wife didn't take the job. and the last one was in Austin, sje bailed on that one tooo. Hell, I need a devorce
  19. On second thought.... I will not be moving to Texas.........
  20. In any state the wife is not on the back:cool10:
  21. damn, someone moved arkansaw on me. LOL...........
  22. some of the ships, look like the XBOX Pelicans (Halo 2) the front windows, were copied from them. same old skeem. boy meets girl, boy dumps out on our family values, (love is blind) thing. boys P***y wiped, and bails on friends. sounds like the rest of us?
  23. I have them in my trailer as well
  24. Down here in Florida all state rates you onyour Becon score. My truck I pay 518.00 full coverage for the year My bike 528.00 for the year
  25. **** always happens ---Normal
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