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PastorCurt last won the day on January 21

PastorCurt had the most liked content!


101 Excellent

Personal Information

  • Name
    Curt Golnick


  • Location
    Shawano, WI, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2009 RSV


  • Occupation
    Pastor at Abundant Life Home Church and Ministries

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  1. Nice piece!!
  2. I’m under the assumption that with these LED turn signals that we need high viscosity blinker fluid. Is there a specialty blinker fluid that’s recommended for motorcycles?
  3. Happy belated birthday Freebird! I have noticed that pesky year older too! I will catch up with you later this year.
  4. I hadn’t tried that. Thanks for the tip!
  5. I was trying to load the RSV service manual and every time it begins to load, the page crashes. What is the fix for this? Not a huge problem but I’m wondering if other members have this issue.
  6. Well, I am not a big fan of salt, but I am not a fan of ice either! It makes life better now but takes forever to wash the roads in the spring!
  7. If we don’t have at least one -20° night, we haven’t had winter!!🥶
  8. There’s something wrong with the camera, color doesn’t work, it’s all white!!
  9. Happy New Year!!!
  10. At least it’s before Christmas! There’s many after Christmas.
  11. I’m sorry to report that my 2024 riding season has officially ended. I put her on the lift, shut off her fuel, put on the battery tender, and promised her new shoes next season as I tucked her in under her cover and patted her trunk.
  12. Do you have favorite rides in the driftless region of Wi?
  13. And now that has started, get ready for more! Just remember that not all grandkids are biological or even family! Kids all over need “” mature” people to love on them!!
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