Red Wing has steadily gone downhill the past few years. Starting with their "motorcycle" line which was finally produced to compete with Harley Davidson boots, not exactly a high standard to begin with. Made in USA or Hanoi doesn't really make a difference here. The boots are lightweight mass market junk put into the marketplace for a quick buck. A fact confirmed during lunch with one of their sales reps. Sadly Red Wing was a legitimate brand years ago. Last remnants of that period can be found within their regular work line which contains some models that are more stout and roadworthy.
Another tip: If possible it's best to avoid laceups since they restrict ankle movement. A quality non-lace modern boot, even a traditional style, should stay on your feet and provide flexibility where you need it.
"If you want clean oats
pay a fair price.
If you want oats
that have already been
through the horse,
pay less."
Trophy Mike