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Everything posted by T.J.

  1. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?116820-Motel-booking-info-for-Freebirds-Maintainence-Day Try this link above steamer.
  2. T.J.

    My Granddaughter

    Very nice Don. Really a good voice for sure.
  3. Very nice looking bike, very nice.
  4. On my 2003 Honda ST the saddlebags on the bottom have a plastic that use to be "Black" when new and turned grey. It is a different kind of plastic. I tried all the regular stuff you could buy to restore plastic and nothing worked. It looked good for awhile and then faded right back. While in my garage one day I was looking at the bags and not happy with the way they looked. Walked over to my bench and started looking around for something that would bring back the color. Looked up on my top shelf and a can of of "Spray Motorkote" was setting there. I tried it and it worked great. I put it on two times and then I put on the regular "MotorKote" and it stayed the rest of the summer looking good. Happy Spring to everyone!
  5. I would be willing to try if I had the chance. Sounds good to me.
  6. Good Grief Charlie Brown, or Pukster Brown.
  7. I have a brother in law that has always loved fast cars, loves going to drag strip to watch but not compete. He has always had fast cars but never have I ever seen him drive fast. Never. Your friend may be of the same type of mind. Just because it goes fast doesn't mean you have to do it.
  8. Need more snow for those front skis. That could be some real fun in open country fields.
  9. Well Don, I got ta say also. I hope it is a great one.
  10. I take it they are not going in the trash now.
  11. 1976 LTD Yellow Wing
  12. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.
  13. I post on this sight more than usual when it snows and I get time on my hands. Did I mention when it and it did another 6" last night.
  14. T.J.

    Hot dog .

    This one is for you Puc. I hope you enjoy it. http://static1.businessinsider.com/image/56d4b6c66e97c686008ba6a2-2264-1698/img_2184.jpg
  15. I remember those days when S.S. # was put on everything. You put that number on your house hold items that might be stolen and the cops could track you down because of that # if they found your stuff. I went in the Air Force in 67 and before I got out in 71 they had stopped using your S.S. # You should get that DD214. It will get you some discounts on a lot of things. Thanks for serving
  16. I will wait for your response to Eck because he has first pick and then you can let me know how much and we will go from there. Thanks
  17. He must be getting ready for this year's Maintenance Day. They are getting out of control.
  18. Are these Honda's # 15410-MFJ-D01? If so and Eck is not interested. I could use them, or at least some of them, on my Honda ST1300 if the numbers match.
  19. Thanks for your help in finding a chart also Eck.
  20. I just had to find it. There is another one some place. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?523-Oil-Filters Have fun. You will need to go all the way to the end to understand the chart.
  21. It is not always easy to find stuff. Believe me, I just got lucky. Glad it helped you.
  22. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?96009-Oil-Filter-Comparisons-Hey-I-m-no-Engineer Maybe this will help. I know there was a cross reference chart once upon a time. I will see if I can find it.
  23. SMILES and Laughter are GREAT for the Soul. I smile every time I see this picture. Just great smiles on everyone's face. What got you all going?
  24. Just so you all know. We have a winter snow storm going on right now here in Michigan. More pics. American Pride even when things are tough.
  25. All my pictures disappeared so I will add some more.
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