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Everything posted by T.J.

  1. I took off work early yesterday, “no work” and went home and started a fire in the wood stove in the garage. I called my son and nephew over to see if they wanted to hang out while I worked on my bike. We took apart the swing arm on the 2001 Suzuki DRZ 400. It only has 3800 miles on it but I bought it used last year and thought I had better check it out. It needed to be greased but was not’t real bad yet. It had been raining out most of the day and on the cool side. The wood stove warmed the garage up real nice and it wasn't long we were in tee shirts. My son brought over his 13 week old Labradoodle pup. He has only had it for three days. Cute pup, very mellow. I went in the house and got a cast iron skillet and some Venison steaks out of the freezer. Put some butter in the pan and set it on top of the wood stove. It was not’t long and the aroma was starting to smell very good. We enjoyed each others company for another hour or so just setting around the wood stove and enjoying some Venison. The time was good. We need more of it. Just sharing a good time that didn't cost anything.
  2. I like it. Great Job! Thanks Don.
  3. Thanks Don, U DA MAN!
  4. We wouldn't have to keep them for ever. Maybe a month and then they could be deleted. It was just a thought.
  5. Just a thought Freebird. How about a forum where we can see top posts of the day or week. This would be for the time we are away from the VentureRider while on vacation or what ever. When we come back on line we can see what important issues we have missed.
  6. It was just meant for info in case you didn't know about that opportunity.
  7. In case you don't know. Go to the top where it says "donate" and donate.
  8. I think it does more harm than good. Your oil is cold and thick and can't get to where it needs to be very quick. It will cause condensation in your pipes as well. Get a battery tender. Waiting for the snow to leave.
  9. Nice looking bike. I am sure she will enjoy it. Congrats. We got more yesterday. Riding season still a ways off for us.
  10. T.J.

    Woot gps

    I hope it works for you Condor. The write up's were not so good for those that had seen better. Maybe good enough for some.
  11. How neat is that.
  12. They have (4) pages in the mag. on the 2009 V Star 950. Nice pictures of the bike. About the only complaint was scraping the foot boards in a turn. Other than that all was cool. This is my first issue of this mag. Not bad at all. I like it. :cool10:They also have the 2009 Suzuki Boulevard M90 in the mag. Have a great day if you want to.
  13. It has been 28 years that I quit. I have never known an X-smoker that said "I wish I had never quit" That ought to tell you something. Keep going, you will not regret it, but you will regret going back to that habit. Smack yourself every time you have a craving. Yea, I know you will become smack silly.
  14. Thanks
  15. :welcome1:to the sight. I really like my 04 Venture. I can't think of another bike I would rather have. I really can't. If money were no problem I would stick with the Venture.
  16. T.J.

    Is it just me?

    Well, I think that might do it. Thanks for the help. I will know more as I post more.
  17. T.J.

    Is it just me?

    I shall try it right after I send this and let you know. I hope it works.
  18. When I post to someone and am waiting for an answer. I have to back out of the post and go to another than go back into the post I posted to and than I can see a new post. Is it just me and some sort of a setting I need to make happen? In other words, I can't receive any new post if I don't get out and come back to the same post.
  19. My thoughts would be to get a couple of 4X8 sheets of plywood and just keep putting one in front of the other until you are at the end of your driveway.
  20. Squid my man, what are we going to do without you? You can't leave us up here. What about our meet and eats?
  21. That is a nice looking ride you got there Marcy. Where bouts are you in this wonderful state?
  22. It's good that some of us stay in the North or it would be way over crowded in the so called warm states. I still like the winter. It gives me a chance to go rabbit hunting, deer hunting bowling and other things that I would not do if it was riding season. I do look forward to spring and summer. I use to live in California for 2 1/2 years and enjoyed everyday but still missed the seasonal changes. I would go up to Big Bear from the Apple Valley area in the winter to get in the snow. Still the call to come back to Michigan was so great that I made the move. What was I thinking?
  23. Pictures, we need pictures.
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