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Everything posted by T.J.

  1. Maybe just maybe he don't wear no jammies at all.
  2. yep, got 1. No pics. It was a spike with 9" tines. Saw alot of small ones and alot of turkey's.
  3. Every nut and bolt you can find including inside the trunk and side bag lock and hinges.
  4. The wife and I use the Gerbing jacket liners. All is good while on the road crusing. Where you would run into trouble is at idle like at a stop light or in slow traffic. All you have to do is turn them off untill you get going. We have used ours for about 4 years without any problems.
  5. Nice bike you got there Wally. What kind did ya say it was? just teasing. Glad you are able to ride. Not riding weather today in Michigan.
  6. Yep pretty neat.
  7. Sure would be nice if a bunch could go over to Australia and visit with Annie. I know just dreaming but what are dreams for? Just think of it. Snap our fingers and we are there, having a great time. I am snapping my fingers Annie and wishing you well. Spring is coming:sun:
  8. 110ft.lb. 150Nm 15. M KG Don't know Cb
  9. It was not that hard on the Venture Mark. Check in the Tech Talk section for your bike. Have fun.
  10. Thanks for the offer Dray. We were coming back from around Oscoda. We had been riding River Road near Lumbermen's Memorial. Had a great ride. Here is one picture I took. Picture did not up load. Sorry!
  11. next time give me a call we will have coffee Dray Thanks for the offer Dray. We were coming back from around Oscoda. We had been riding River Road near Lumbermen's Memorial. Had a great ride. Here is one picture I took.
  12. Goldie looks real nice.
  13. I am glad I didn't say or do anything else.
  14. For that very reason a guy got smart with me at a light in Bay City Mi. My wife on the back of my bike "04 Venture" and our friend on his Harley got in the wrong lane at a stop light. We needed to get over in another lane if we could. A small pick-up was setting next to us with his window down. My friend was next to the truck. I asked him if we could get over in front of him when the light changed. He just starred at me. Then he said," he can" but you can't. I just looked at him thinking he was kidding and would smile:) but oh no, not him. He started talking with my friend and said because you ride a Harley you can go ahead, but not him, meaning me. I was instantly angry and wanted to say something because this guy was serious and just kept giving me the eye. I looked ahead and told my friend we can go straight through the light and then make a turn and we did. Go figure:doh:. I was still angry at times to day but was reminded of a Proverb "The way of a fool is right in his own eyes" and "Leave the presence of a fool, Or you will not discern words of knowledge". I felt better after that reminder. All is good.
  15. Nope not yet! Not me. Not till the snow fly's and then some. The wife and I went for a 335 mile ride yesterday. We got a late start 11:00 am and got back around 8:00 P.M. We ran into a little rain now and then but we rode:7_6_3[1]:.
  16. You are welcome Don. Let us know what worked for you. You might even use a flat head screw driver if that would work better. I hope it works for you.
  17. I don't know how many miles you have on your tires but if the tire pressure had been low during a lot of miles your tire may have created cupping. You can feel this with your hand. Run your fingers on the tire and if it is cupped you will feel it. Nothing you can do now but replace the tire. If you go over a straight crack in the road it will throw your bike in what ever direction it wants to go. You have no control.
  18. First off get some penetrating oil on the screw. Let it set for awhile. You can take a fiber wheel for a dremel tool and cut a cross in the head of the screw and use a Philips screw driver on it. Let the penetrating oil do it's job. While it is working on the screw you can take a small drill and from the inside of the housing drill two small holes in the bottom to let the water out before it accumulates again. I have done this to the rear and front of my bike. I also put some grease on the new screws before installing. Good luck.
  19. T.J.


    The Seecamp is all Stainless and is only able to shoot certain ammo because of it's tight tolerance. Ammo is fairly easy to get.
  20. T.J.


    That is quite the trigger on that one.
  21. T.J.


    On a very hot day this summer I did not carry my 40 glock and found myself in a situation that was not good. I went and bought this little .32 and that situation should not happen again. You can carry it with a swimsuit if you wanted to.
  22. T.J.


    They are made in Milford, Ct.
  23. T.J.


    Anybody own a Seecamp?
  24. It was like the disc's were breaking down themselfs. Maybe that is why they start to slip is because of the grit?
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