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Everything posted by T.J.

  1. T.J.

    Vacation Plans.

    How would a guy in Texas know all this?
  2. Authorities have said that Andrew Schlichtemeier, 22, of Murray, Neb., was drunk Aug. 9 when he swerved into oncoming traffic on Interstate Highway 29 near Little Sioux, killing the motorcyclists. He has pleaded not guilty to four counts of vehicular homicide. He remains jailed awaiting trial Jan. 11. It had been scheduled for last week but was postponed. http://www.desmoinesregister.com/art...-dead-cyclists
  3. Glad you had a great time working with your Dad. My Dad has long sense passed away but I enjoy projects with my son. It is a good time for sure.
  4. Howdy Gunk, I have a 12" that I am happy with. Remember you will have to have a good case to carry it. That alone will make it bigger to carry. The case needs to be big enough for all your accessories as well. Charger and other stuff. Have fun shopping for one. Ti's the season.
  5. Thanks, and same to you all.
  6. Yep, about 15 miles gunk.
  7. Our local Yamaha Dealer "Oxford Michigan" will close the doors this week. Everything is 50 per cent off. I guess another dealer took all the bikes off his hands. I got some oil, air cleaners, brake pads both front and rear, chain lube, "for my DRZ", cleaning supplies and some other stuff. What a shame. They always treated me well. They were only 5 miles away. Now the nearest will be 20. Still not bad.
  8. I received a call from Gabriel today. The engineer told me they are still looking into a new design for our bike. Nothing on the shelf they could use or adapt. He said it would take some time and they do not want to put the load spring on the inside as Yamaha has done. Not much info except they called me and not the other way around. Have a great day if you want to.
  9. Dhat's purtty good thar Marshal.
  10. What brings you up to Illinois and close to The Great Lakes State Jim?
  11. Chances are the first sign will be a small oil spot under your bike and the bottom of the shock will be covered with oil.
  12. From what I had observed from looking at Ian's shock, you cannot add any oil. There is no place to add it. Ian's shock had a lot of scoring in one section but not all were leaks. Only one was deep enough to tear the seal up inside. As far as cleaning goes. The boot will come down for you to clean but that would be a lot of work to get all of the creases cleaned in the boot. Maybe putting a sealant around the top of the boot when the bike is brand new might help. You would have to do it right away.
  13. Just an update on this project. I dropped off the shock from Ian's bike about two weeks ago to Gabriel. The morning I was there, four Engineers had their hands on that shock. They were very interested. They also found, before I left, why the oil had leaked out - a score in the ram under the boot. They explained to me that, with this design, the load spring built inside the shock causes side load and any dirt that gets caught up inside the boot may cause the scoring on the ram. I also sent them the pictures and the write up from Rick Butler on our shocks. I talked with the Engineer this week to see if he needed any more from me. He stated that he has a guy doing some research on this shock to see what they can come up with. I may have to take my bike down to them so they can do a further study. So far they are looking at three options. I will keep you all posted when I find out anything. I deal with this company on a regular basis and will ask from time to time how they are doing. They may say no, they may say yes we have something.
  14. T.J.

    Ride On

    It is a tire sealant you put inside your tires to keep them from going flat if you run over a nail or anything else small. You order it on-line.
  15. I had a 99 Intruder before getting my 04 Venture. It was fun, but not meant for long hauls for the wife and I. My wifes knees would give out after 100 miles and I was always looking for a stop light or stop sign so I could stand up for a minute. We had 30,000 miles when I sold it. Because we were riding so much the wife talked me into getting the Venture. I said OK honey, if you really want me too. It was a fun bike around town. I hope you enjoy your new ride.
  16. Thanks Squid. Did the storm come close to you?
  17. They must be held up some place with no electricity. No phone cause they lost the one they had.
  18. Where is gunkylump and Beth? Did the Texas wind take them away? Haven't heard from ya's in a day or two. Hope all is well. I met up with Ian on the Canadian side this morning. I have his old shock now. Give us a heads up on how your doing Gunk.
  19. Where is that at gunk? Mexicantown?
  20. I just spoke with the Engineer at Gabriel and told him I would soon have a shock for him to look at. He told me the first thing they wanted to do is find out why the shock goes bad. Next he said that, he has the 5th best shock designer in the world working in his building and that the two of them will be looking at this problem. So far so good. Just have to get a shock to him.
  21. Hang in there Harry. What GunkyLump, Ibents, and I are planning is to meet for dinner someplace and it will be hand delivered from Canada at that time. I will keep ya posted. Thanks for the offer. We may still need it.
  22. We will figure something out. When does Ian get back?
  23. I really won't know anything until I can get a shock into him. He will get all the specs and do a research as to what they already have or to make one just for our bike. If that would be the case "for our Bike". I am sure they would have to research the demand and the profit that would be for making them available. Like I said, I know the man very well. We will be able to talk in depth on a new shock. It may take some time but I am excited about the possibility of having a good shock for our bikes.
  24. Thanks Harry, I will let you know if Ibents doesn't work out.
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