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Everything posted by T.J.
Richard, I sure hope things go well for you and your wife in the moving process. Sometimes we yearn to have everything done right now because the work will be all behind us. I just ask for you not to feel overwhelmed in this change in your life. Take your time and reflect on the good times you have enjoyed. Look forward to the future that you have mentioned to get something more manageable and keep moving forward. Feel good about the future Richard. Here is hoping for all good things.
I thought she was a "She" you say "He" O'l Puc will straighten one of us out. I am sure they would be proud of us acting like Ladies and Jents and all the care the little Puckster would get.
Soooo, what better way to introduce her to your extended family Puc? She may even be talking by the time you got her back home with all the attention she would get.
2nd Generation Venture. Mine is an 04 with 85,000 miles on it. "BOLTS WERE LOOSE" You have to take off side covers from both sides & passenger foot rests. Take off Plastic Cover to see these bolts that the ink pin is pointing to. My right side was out all the way. Only the plastic cover kept it from falling off onto the road. The left side was very loose. I could turn it with my fingers. I removed both bolts and put removable LocTite and torqued to 80 ft lbs. That just felt like a good feel. I could not find the torque specs on this bolt. How many bolts are loose out there running on the roads?
Tonight I was going to adjust the rear shock so I was taking off the panels on the right side to get to the top nut on the shock. You have to take the right side passenger foot pad off and take the plastic cover off. Pic #2 Pic #3 with the 14 mm bolt shown with the ink pen pointing to it was out all the way. The only thing holding it from falling off on the hwy. was the plastic cover. I put Loctite on it and tightened to 80 ft. lbs. That seemed like a good feel. Thought to myself. Better check the other side. Sure enough that bolt was very loose but not out all the way out. Just thought ya might want to check yours sometime. They are good size bolts. So, that's what I did. Adjust the shock and tighten two bolts that I didn't know was loose.
I don't know if you have ever seen this sight before. If not, pretty interesting for any trailer info you may be seeking. http://forums.delphiforums.com/n/nav/start.asp?webtag=MCTrailertowing It is fun to look around at all the options. Have fun looking ragtop.
Tonight I was going to adjust the rear shock so I was taking off the panels on the right side to get to the top nut on the shock. You have to take the right side passenger foot pad off and take the plastic cover off. Pic #2 Pic #3 with the 14 mm bolt shown with the ink pen pointing to it was out all the way. The only thing holding it from falling off on the hwy. was the plastic cover. I put Loctite on it and tightened to 80 ft. lbs. That seemed like a good feel. Thought to myself. Better check the other side. Sure enough that bolt was very loose but not out all the way out. Just thought ya might want to check yours sometime. They are good size bolts.
http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?13263-Rear-Hub-Lubrication This is what usually makes the squeaking sound. I do this everytime I replace the rear tire. It is not that hard to do. If you have never done it. It needs it.
Nope not I, but sounds like a great time.
Welcome and a very nice looking bike you've got there.
Tell Me How's That Possible?
Can you imagine? Good grief Charlie Brown.
It was still awful windy here in Michigan:smile5:
Sounds like he was drinking or it was icy out. Glad he paid. His buddies will be asking. Why did you buy that bike with all the damage? What happened to your trailer?
Good grief Puc. Got a good laugh out of the kick-en BB gun story. A Dad cannot think of everything.
Yup BJ, If I lived on a farm:farmer: I would relocate underground also. Here in the Village of Lake Orion, they kind of frown on using a gun and my yard just ain't big enough to bury all them critters. I once took a BIG coon out in the country near a big, big corn field. When I opened the trap that BIG coon came right after me. That sucker was mad. I kept kicking the trap to keep him away from me and finally hit him with it before he took off. Did not have time to pull my pistol out cause he was coming after me. Lesson learned. Next time pistol will be out and ready.
Hey T.J. - you have trapped Skunks for relocation? How you do that with out getting stunk on? Well Puc, In one summer alone I trapped 21 skunks. It was so bad around here. I called the village and told them how many I had trapped and said maybe it was time to get an exterminator in the village. The kind and very funny lady said. "I think we already have one" Boy, I had that one coming. Any how. A skunk can't spray unless they get there tails above there back. So in a trap they are not able to do that without a lot of trouble. I put a rug over the trap to calm them down and then pick the trap up and put it in the back of my truck. Out to the country I go till I run into state land. I take the trap and open the door with the rug still over the top and point it in the direction I want the skunk to go. Sometimes I have to shake the cage to get them to come out. They always go straight ahead and never have I had one look back at me. Tails are down dragging on the ground and away they go. Every skunk has a different marking or pattern to the black and white. Some are very beautiful in the way they are marked. When you see as many has I have through the years up close and personal. You take notice of such things. Tuna fish or peanut butter are the best bait for me to catch just about anything.
I live in a village and trap many Skunks, Coon, and Ground Hogs in my back yard and my neighbors when asked to. A Coon has to be taken a minimum of 5 miles away or they will return. I take and release on state land near me. State law in Michigan says I am not to do that but to drown the animals because it is to stressful on them to relocate them. Go figure.
http://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/ I would start here. They list different ways they can help. I hope it works for them.
Man o man Dan. I just checked your birthdate and low and behold we are the same. 1949 was a good year. Mine is in March so that makes me just a tad older.
That's a wee bit BIGGER than what I was looking for. I have a 10 x 20 three room tent that I have had for a long, long time. Did a lot of camping when the kids were little. I was looking for something small to carry on the bike. The one I picked up is a 5 x 7. Should be the right size for two.
Congrats. You are probably much older than I:hurts: or got a head start in life. I have my hands full with 9. Hunting, fishing , camping and everything in between. I sure love it.
Fun stuff Grandpuc, I really enjoy mine for sure. I have nine from 11 years to 2 months old. 6 boys 3 girls. Back to the subject of tents. I have been watching Craigslist for the last week. I picked one up today that I like. It is a Eureka Texragon. The lady used it one time. So now I will be a happy camper. Got it pretty cheap. Spring is coming.
Thanks Puc for all the info buddy. I am still looking. Hope you are doing well and enjoying that new grandbaby.