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About guns_usn_20

  • Birthday 12/27/1951

Personal Information

  • Name
    Jim Bell


  • Location
    nicholasville, KY, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Riding with people who like to ride
  • Bike Year and Model
    07 Royal Star Tour Deluxe

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  1. Years ago I think there was a harness for the h e Stebel air horn that kept the high current from the horn passing through the horn switch. Does anyone have a link to the discussion on here. I would like to get the installation instructions if possible. Thank You Jim Bell
  2. I am wanting to know what brand of Bat wing fairing is best to install on the RSTD. Thanks in advance
  3. I have the Michlien commander II on the rear and commander III on the front of my 07 RSTD. Toronto is brand new.
  4. Is there a service manual for the Venture / RSTD on this site? I am wanting to find the color codes for the front turn signal's
  5. Hello; I have a question. Where do I install the 100 ohm resistor on my bike to keep the turn signals from flashing too fast? Thank You in Advance.
  6. where can I download the Shop manual for the royal star venture / tour deluxe?
  7. I am going to order my rear brake pads . My question is, is there any advantage to using the sinitered brake pads? Will they damabe the rotor? Thank you in advance Jim Bell
  8. My front wheel bearings are bad. I've never replaced them. What is the easiest way to do them. I won't have,any help.
  9. My front wheel bearings are bad. I've never replaced them. What is the easiest way to do them. I won't have,any help.
  10. hello I have the condor SC-2000 installed on my trailer. What are your cradle settings? My 07 RSTD will not sit upright. I have to use the kick stand. My cradle is in the #1 position Thank You in advance and ride safely Jim Bell Nicholasville, Ky
  11. Go to http://www.customizethatride.com. venture Steve sells them .a H4 bulb . Has fan built in. $59.00 shipped to your door. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  12. I rode the Back of the Dragon Last weekend. I loved it. Be careful there are Log and coal trucks running the road. They will cross the yellow line in the corners.
  13. Steve and Mike Thanks for the suggestions and support. I found the problem which I should have checked before I panicked. The connection under the cover on the tank had come loose. I got up this morning still in my PJ'S and took the cover off and there it was.. Again thanks for you help Jim
  14. Steve I don't have a service manual. Mine flashed 8 times and then resets
  15. my fuel gage is flashing and will not reset. has anyone had this problem? what could cause this? is this a error indicator? Thanks
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