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GrahamLFCkeeper last won the day on October 26 2024

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About GrahamLFCkeeper

  • Birthday 04/15/1981

Personal Information

  • Name
    Graham Licence


  • Location
    Stockton-on-Tees, UK, United Kingdom


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  • Home Country
    United Kingdom


  • Bike Year and Model
    2002 Royal Star venture

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  1. Well this just got fun, went to look at all the above. Bike wouldn't turn on, no lights, no dash, nothing. Replaced the battery with one I knew was working, still nothing. Fuse time, removed the main fuse and it disintegrated. White powder everywhere, snapped fuse. I will attempt to clean out the existing 'fuse holder' but I'm not holding any hope it'll be of any use. Does anybody know what I replace it with (a part number would be great)? My knowledge of the electrical side is next to none, so be gentle 😂 ***Edit... I've found what I need (starter relay) ... for £14 (about $18) I'm not going to bother trying to clean out the old one
  2. Hello all, hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year! I've not got round to checking any of the above, however, I'm hoping this weekend I will. When I removed the gas tank last time, fuel leaked out of the gas cap as I took the tank off (quite a full tank). Im now thinking if gas can get out.... rain can get in, sink into the carbs and cause the low power/stuttering in rain conditions. Any thoughts or is that unlikely? Just want to cover all bases before I start. Cheers
  3. New development, heavily bogging down in the rain (it wasn't supposed to rain today but that's a rant for another thread 😆) Carb cleaner spray around carb and air intakes, no noticeable change in idle I'm thinking weak (then none in rain) spark 🤔
  4. This will be a new area for me (the valves) but I'll have a look into that
  5. I'll have another double check but, I had issues seating the airbox first time, this lead me to double checking seating on the carbs, but I'll have another check
  6. I have yes. All synced nicely.
  7. Hello all Hope everyone is keeping well! Interested to know people's opinion on this one. Had carbs leaking fuel. Bought a rebuild kit, replaced all the float needles and reset (as per guide on here) cleaned up everything else, carbs balanced. No more leaks New fuel filter and rebuilt the petcock with new seals whilst I was I there. Previously the bike would start on choke, (or enricher if you like) turn off (the choke) after 20 seconds and off you go. Now the bike starts 'lumpy' like it's struggling for fuel, with or without choke. 2 minutes of warm up and ride for 30 seconds and she is smooth as a hot knife through butter, idles perfectly, nice pick up MPG is as before. I've checked through all the various air intake pipes and ensured all the hose clips are tight and everything is in where it should be. Double checked there are no kinks in any fuel pipes. All cylinders seem to be firing (hot pipe check). Ultimately, it's not a huge problem as she starts and with in 30 seconds runs fine Only other issue is, I'm waiting for a new battery to arrive (mileage keep resetting - so assuming it's because the battery is old) Just wondering if anyone had any ideas?
  8. That makes sense... especially as its only idling... I'll check them
  9. So I bought a GL1500 a little while ago, it stuttered on acceleration, so began the fun... - The bike would start and run, but only ran well with the choke partially on - I removed the carbs and replaced as many Vacuum lines as I could get hold of (including the notorious 'under the mat' ones) - I sent the carbs to be 'sonic' cleaned - When the carbs were returned to me the choke (enricher) was the wrong way round, so I took it back and it was reassembled - Put the carbs back on the bike (took good pics so 99% certain its all correct) , pulled the choke to full (in 1c (33f) temperature outside) the bike wouldn't start - Turned the choke off, bike started, ran at 800 rpm, but would die when I touched at the accelerator - Its obviously getting far too much fuel (beyond a simple vacuum leak) I have two days as we have a long weekend (thanks to some man getting a crown put on his head here in the UK), any suggestions would be welcome. Thankyou in advance.
  10. Did a packing 'dry run', waterproofs fit in without any issue, so they'll be coming, as @Marcarlsaid... if I don't you can guarantee ill need them 😆
  11. Just about ready to set off on Saturday. We are going to Colmar in the Alsace region of France (that's our 'base') and taking in the Black Forest in Germany and Lucerne in Switzerland. A bit of rain in forecast, so, the only decision left is, do I take 'full waterproofs'? I don't remember ever getting uncomfortably wet on the RSV.
  12. Late to the Party, but we have just booked to take the Royal Star to Paris, then onto the Alsace town of Colmar (France), with a day trip to Lucerne in Switzerland at the End of May. Nicole can't fly so our holidays are usually driven (Spain, Italy, Germany, France), however, this will be our first 'euro' trip on a bike together. Excited isn't the word!
  13. 20220918_155857.mp4 I don't normally have THIS many bikes, but due to the Motorcycle market taking a dive over here, I'm struggling to sell a couple at the moment. Had them all out of the garage the other day (moving the Sports bike to the back as the weather is getting colder here in the UK) and took this video. I'm a big fan of late 90s/early 2000s stuff ... as you can see 😆
  14. Quick update, two left hand side carbs were leaking, I've got it down to one (front left). I can't go for a ride as it's MOT (government safety inspection) has ran out and leaking fuel would be a fail. Also discovered the petcock isn't turning the fuel off. So I'll have a look at fixing that first. Good job I enjoy working on bikes 😆
  15. View from the UK. We have a cut off date for sale of ICE cars of 2030. And now this consultation on ending ICE bikes by 2035. The truth is we will not be ready. There is no real infrastructure plan. The likelihood is an extension till 2035 on cars. Personal opinion is I can see small bikes (what we call A1) being electric with some A2 specific (up to 33bhp - built to be for the A2 licence) being included in a 2035 electric change. Unfortunately, we have a government* that talks an awful lot about what it's going to do but never actually puts any plans into action. (*not that we actually have a government at the moment as we wait for a new Prime Minister to be elected)
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