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Mariner Fan

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Everything posted by Mariner Fan

  1. What the heck? Geez, hope you and the docs get that fixed Dan.
  2. That looks great!
  3. I'll be there. Might even do some Maintenance for once.
  4. Your in our thoughts and prayers. After reading these stories, I'm glad that my doc has me take the PSA blood test. Wishing you a positive outcome on your upcoming surgery & recovery.
  5. Not many stations in Indiana that don't have Ethanol in their gas. I was just thinking about this the other day. I'll look around to see if I can find an Ethanol free gas station.
  6. I was looking at the Goldwing site. I saw that the difference between the base Goldwing and the one with GPS and XM is $2,700 bucks. Sure seems to me that it would be money well spent to buy a Zumo 665 for $700 bucks than to go with the one built in!
  7. I'm Interested Krispy! I'll send you a PM.
  8. STAR makes a point to have the city/state rocker attach to the Star emblem. I figure that if a 1% asks me to take my vest off then I'll do it. It would probably be a pledge who is trying to make a name for himself. They should know that the Star group isn't any threat unless we are all in line at Dairy Queen!
  9. Happy Birthday Jay!
  10. I have to use the 2x4 trick to get my bike on the center stand. Still trying to figure out why my back tire is so high up from the ground since I have leveling links installed. http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5216/5483061076_16710ce718.jpg I can just about roll a 2x4 under the tire while on the center stand. Freebirds bike didn't raise the tire off the ground. I figure I'll take it to maintenance day and try to figure out why this is so. Maybe I installed it wrong....
  11. That's really great Shaun. Bend Oregon is one of my favorite places.
  12. My bike seems to runs and shifts best on Yamalube. I've tried quite a few others and they were good, just seems that my bike likes the Yamalube.
  13. Only three beers?
  14. Wow, makes you not ever want to leave the house!
  15. I've been glued to the story from the beginning. I hope they can get the nuke plants under control. Sounds ominous.
  16. I hate those guys! I support their right to speak but I hate their message.
  17. Seems to be an epidemic these days!!
  18. I lost the drivers push to talk button on my '07. The dealership replaced it.
  19. Good thing you have a tractor to clean your driveway. It's been a strange winter for sure.
  20. Actually, bicycle riders do have the right to ride on most roads. There is a lot of misunderstanding between bicycle riders and car drivers. Like I said earlier. You won't catch me on a road with cars. It's too dangerous and you don't have a motor to get out of the way.
  21. I don't ride my bicycle on the public roads. Drivers around here like to run them over. http://www.bikeforums.net/images/smilies/injured.gif
  22. Happy Birthday George! Hope you have a great day.
  23. Very nice!
  24. Man, you gotta love that 5 year warranty!
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