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Mariner Fan

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Everything posted by Mariner Fan

  1. Man, I'd like to hear a bike with the chirp. My bike, and the other one I test rode has a whine from the transmission and it's really loud but from what I've read, it's not what your describing.
  2. Very nice both! I'm not jealous.....no.....not me.....
  3. Got yourself a deal Bummer!
  4. Thanks for the replies! Totally makes sense to break the engine in like you ride it. I still don't know why Yamaha put those ridiculous shift points in the manual. The motor likes to rev and it runs much better that way.
  5. I will have a bell to swap. Bought two so I'll have one to give away later. Anyone interested please let me know. I need to keep the gremlin voodoo correct.
  6. As you may know, I just purchased a new Venture. Reading the manual, it says to not over rev the engine during break in. "Avoid prolonged operation above 1/3 throttle (0-600 mi)" "Avoid prolonged operation above 1/2 throttle (600-1000 mi)" Yamaha recommends some crazy shift points. 1rst to 2nd - 13 mph 2nd to 3rd - 19 mph 3rd to 4th - 25 mph 4th to 5th - 31 mph That's crazy! I couldn't imagine shifting up at such a slow speed. This engine seems to run much smoother at a higher RPM. I did a bit of research on engine break in. http://www.mototuneusa.com/break_in_secrets.htm They recommend the opposite of what Yamaha suggests. How did you go about breaking in your new engines? I'm interested on your comments and or recommendations. Bob
  7. Just paid for two. Trades will be forthcoming!
  8. Zing! That's ok, your team did great. That, and the Yankees going downhill made my baseball season semi tolerable.
  9. Nice job on your windshield! I have to sit at attention to see over mine.
  10. You can always watch E-Bay for awhile to see what they are going for there.
  11. 82 years old and still riding!
  12. It's funny that you mention the Venture as being small. One of the reason's that I bought this bike is because it felt larger than the Harley or the Gold Wing. I'm 6'3" and feel very comfortable on it.
  13. I want to remove the warning decal off my gas tank. Looks like it's really on there. Anyone have a good suggestion on how to get it off without scratching the paint job? Thanks, Bob
  14. UGLY!!!!!
  15. I'm taller than you but I've never locked up my rear brake. I don't use it much other than low speed slowing down. I think I'm more in tune with being tall on a Yamaha because I rode an 1100 V Star ( not a good fit for a tall guy).
  16. Man, I have the exact same bike as you. Same year, same model. I haven't owned it long enough to even understand what the chirp is. I do hear a gear whine but I assume this isn't what you are talking about. Who knows, maybe I'm lucky, or maybe it hasn't showed up yet. Be glad to help out anyway I can Kit. Bob
  17. I just went through the same thing as you Kit. I had an 1100 V Star that I thought was cool. After riding it awhile I figured out that the bike felt too small for me. I wanted to trade it in for a Venture and when the dude offered me what I paid for the V Star plus a thousand off the Venture I took it. Sure, I could have done better, but this was convenient, and I wanted to get it done. Hope your next bike (Harley?) will give you many miles of trouble free riding. Bob
  18. Looking forward to seeing the picture. Changing channels would be no problem since I stay on 175 or 150.
  19. Cool! looking forward to seeing the final product.
  20. Got it. Thanks!
  21. I know I've read this before but I can't find it. I want to go to Radio Shack to get a patch cord to run my MP3 player in the auxiliary jack. What is it called? Thanks, Bob
  22. I had to think hard about getting a Venture after reading all about the troubles with the noisy clutch basket. The 5 year warranty is what made my mind up. Really can't beat it.
  23. That's a wild story. Glad you came out of it ok. I had a nut case try to run me down 20 years ago and I'm hoping that never happens again. Have you figured out the damage to your bike yet?
  24. Couple of questions. How did you mount it? Does the battery last very long? I think the battery issue might be the only thing that is causing me to pause in buying one.
  25. I have an XM radio in my truck and love it. Of course I'm very interested in having XM on my Venture as well. Now I'm debating on what way to go. One thought is to buy a Pioneer Inno and connecting it through my speakers on the bike. I'm thinking that this would work nicely because it's compact and I can use it in my wifes car as well. Has anyone else done this? Pros/Cons? Thanks, Bob
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