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Mariner Fan

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Everything posted by Mariner Fan

  1. Dang that's hard! http://img93.imageshack.us/img93/9761/picphp2pz.gif
  2. Always glad to see Boeing doing well. Looks like the 787 will be a hit!
  3. mraf, that was a heck of an adventure. Thanks for sharing. Man, I'm jealous that you still have your old bike. I wish I would have done that. Here's mine....... 1976 Husqvarna 250. I rode the heck out of that bike and crashed it too many times! Mine wasn't this nice. http://buzznet-57.vo.llnwd.net/assets/users16/marinerfan/default/resto3_l--large-msg-119768346949.jpg 1978 Suzuki GS 1000 I painted mine black and added a Vetter Fairing. It was really fast back in the day. http://buzznet-36.vo.llnwd.net/assets/users16/marinerfan/default/1978_GS1000E_blue-side_450--large-msg-119768347091.jpg 2004 Yamaha V-Star 1100. Made a mistake buying this bike. Way too small for me. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2218/1581182650_d311dcb9b5.jpg 2007 Yamaha Midnight Venture. Now were talking! http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2128/1779527030_4d1dd0816a.jpg
  4. Damn! Thats some great photography.
  5. That would blow. I got to test ride a Suzuki Cavalcade and thought it was a very nice bike. I couldn't believe the shop let a young pup like me take the bike out (This was back in 1986). Go figure, another guy crashed that bike a week later on a test ride.
  6. Fuel injection would be the major upgrade that would get me thinking of buying a new Venture. It amazes me how I can jump in my truck with 120,000 miles and it will start and idle smoothly every time, but I have to pull a manual choke on my brand new motorcycle and play with it to keep it idling. I like the 1300 V-4 engine. The gear ratio's needs to be addressed and for crying out loud, get rid of the cassette player! I also like the styling of the second gen bikes, though first generations are sharp as well.
  7. And here I can't even get the lights to work on my tree! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szLmAPW39uE]YouTube - Frisco Christmas Lights - Wizards in Winter[/ame]
  8. Got mine as well. Thanks again Don!
  9. Don, you put alot of work into this project. Thanks!
  10. Ok, I'm thinking of quitting as well. I'm one of those weird type of smokers who only light up at work. My wife has never seen a cigarette in my hand. I can go weeks on vacation without lighting up but as soon as I get to work I want a cig bad. It's a stupid habit......
  11. I'm keeping mine. I recommend you get it. Really good tips.
  12. It's hard core indeed. Did you bundle up or did you freeze? I rode around town today just to warm up the engine. Froze my ears off.
  13. Yes, he was exiting to watch back in the day.
  14. Well it never hurts to change oil. I'd think once a year is fine.
  15. Thanks Goose. I'm going to take the sticker off my tank tomorrow.
  16. I'm thinking of riding to Utah but I want to visit Wendover.
  17. Question, Does the Zumo have complete XM capability or just the weather channels?
  18. Alexandria, Indiana....Small town USA....
  19. Still pretty spendy.
  20. Was it funny?
  21. Good catch. Dang, didn't know the drivers had expectant spouses. That's a shame.
  22. That's fantastic! I've found long lost friends through the internet. Guess it's good for some things.
  23. This has me thinking! I've been mulling getting an XM receiver for the bike. The XM Commander has a small Display Controller that might just fit perfectly behind the door for the cassette. This might make a really clean installation that is protected from the elements. Think I'll get the measuring stick out and see if it could work. http://www.xmradio.com/images/existing/shop/ShopRefresh/car/commander/commander_1_lg.jpg
  24. This would have been traumatic to see. Guess the driver was still alive afterwards but had burns over 90% of his body. People usually do not survive this. http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/us/2007/11/16/vosil.tx.truck.explosion.on.i35.ktxa http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r162/jsharr/fire004.jpg
  25. Awesome! How many deer tags can you have for a season?
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