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Mariner Fan

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Everything posted by Mariner Fan

  1. Kit, that is one great looking bike. Glad your enjoying it!
  2. All I can say is that I hope it's true! I've been thinking that the Venture was doomed because they haven't upgraded the bike for nine years!
  3. Yea, I'm thinking Kit Carson is a plumber.
  4. God that kill switch can be a pain! I hit mine all the time when I have gloves on. I do it so much that I'm used to it. Guess you will never forget that one again!
  5. Seems like most medications work through the liver. Docs will usually tell you to quit drinking if your on them.
  6. Man, that looks like a fun trip! So it looks like your going through the four corners, Memphis, and Nashville? We have never taken the Southern route before. Are you going to give us a trip report? Actually thinking of taking a trip from my house in Indiana to SLC! I went to high school in Wendover so I could visit old friends.
  7. Fooled me! But your news is even better! Congratulations.
  8. Man, that's purdy! Guess you will have to change your signature!
  9. Already spent it eh? I think they take their dear sweet time to send those out.
  10. I've had an ICE number on my phone for years. It's a great idea. It's kinda interesting that the concept was thought up by Paramedics. I spent 10 years with Deer Park Ambulance and never had a situation where I had to call someone. We were in the business of stabilizing patients and transporting them to the hospital. Now, I've seen many times were a nurse or receptionist will contact a family member but never a Paramedic in the field.
  11. I had a wobble or maybe a tank slapper (pretty sure it was a tank slapper) back in the late 70's early 80's. A buddy of mine just got a Honda 750 and invited me to take it for a ride. I don't remember how fast I was going, but considering my age at the time it was as fast as it could go. I remember hanging on for dear life and slowing down. I still don't know how I managed to stay upright, but after I pulled over it took me awhile to get my wits back. Never so scared in my life! Hope to never go through that again.
  12. Shoei RJ-Platinum R. Really nice lid. http://www.shoei-helmets.com/products/rjr/rjr_black.jpg
  13. I just ordered one of those since I have a leftover Roady 2 receiver from my truck. I also ordered the antenna with the 12" cord. http://www.myradiostore.com/antennas-cables/for-roady/1-foot-roady-antenna.html
  14. Crunch! So what's the story behind this? Dude in the truck not paying attention? Glad your ok.
  15. Talk about a low life. Vermin like this need to be caught and prosecuted!
  16. It warmed up just enough for the snow to fall. Guess the cold is on it's way back.
  17. Yea, I went to school to become an EMT because I saw a guy (pedestrian) get hit by a car and I didn't know what to do. So, from my perspective; I instantly look to see how the driver or bystanders respond to the guy who got hit. That said, people can do more harm than good if they don't know what to do. The best thing you can do if your untrained is to keep the injured person still and out of harm. Kneel down and reassure them that help is on the way.
  18. Ouch! Love how the dude has to yack on his cell phone instead of helping the guy he hit. Maybe he was calling for help. Probably finishing the conversation that he was having instead of paying attention!
  19. These hat's are the bomb for cold weather! Looks dorky, but my bald head is nice and warm.... http://images.cabelas.com/is/image/cabelas/s7_901323_renderset_01?$main-Large$
  20. ^^^^^^ Yea, that! Supposed to get warmer (In the 30's) then cool down to single digits.
  21. Ah, makes me even more depressed that I can't ride. The end of the video was kinda weird. Was it just my computer that made it sound like it's in slow motion?
  22. 86er, you took these pictures at home in Georgia? Holy cow, I didn't realize how cold is was down south.
  23. Looking out the window it seems to be nice outside. Blue skies and bright...too bad it's 15 degrees out there!
  24. Kit, glad you are sticking around here. I've thought that the Yamaha Venture brought us together, but friendships, and riding whatever you have keeps this site going strong. So your going with the king of touring bikes! I like the looks and all the features of the wing. We have Honda cars and they are outstanding. My decision to buy a Venture had to do with initial comfort for my 6'3" frame and the 5 year warranty. I'm going to keep riding this bike for awhile even though it lacks some things that I would like. Maybe down the road I'll look at the Wing. Have fun with your new ride and maybe we can meet up if I ride down South. Bob
  25. I was a knucklehead when I was a kid. Rode my bike like it was on fire. I even had the pleasure of a high speed wobble on my friend's Honda 750. Scared the crap out of me. As bad as I was, there were others that would push the envelope beyond belief. Those were the guys who aren't with us anymore.
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