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Mariner Fan

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Everything posted by Mariner Fan

  1. Probably nothing. It just looked cheap to me and I wanted something more robust. Brian, I took your advice and bought one of these. I went one step further and purchased the complete wiring harness. This stuff is top-notch. If anyone is thinking of installing passing lights and wants to do it the easy way, then it's money well spent.
  2. Meandog, I've never met you. So get better so we can meet up! Ruth and I are praying for your speedy recovery.
  3. Man, what a nice picture. Black Cherry is great color! What year is that....06?
  4. Glad you and your beer are ok. All of you are right about parking lots. When we had our covered bridge ride I saw morgandw almost get pasted by a car backing out of a spot. I think it's best to stay extra alert in parking lots. Perhaps pick a place to park that is less traveled.
  5. Funny you should mention it. I was just reading about the stand and contemplating buying one myself.
  6. I speculate that spoiled little girls cut the biker off and then words and gestures were exchanged. Biker got mad and followed the spoiled little girls instead of letting it go and got himself killed.
  7. Don, I'm very sorry to hear of your loss. Hope all is well with your family. We got the same ice storm as you. Perhaps it wasn't as severe because we didn't loose power. The lights were flickering like crazy but somehow they stayed on.
  8. Wow! That is one cool ride. Wonder how much? EDIT: Oh now I see.....$135,000
  9. I just looked at the clearview windshield site and I'm hooked. Only thing I have to figure out is weather to get the XL or the XXL. I'm 6'3 and my wife is 5'2. I'm leaning towards the XL.
  10. I was wondering about that. This is the plug "cap". http://buzznet-68.vo.llnwd.net/assets/users16/marinerfan/default/Wire_plug_003--large-msg-120472057782.jpg Nice but it doesn't have the male spade pieces to make it work. I guess cutting it off is the only solution unless someone has figured out where to get a functioning plug.
  11. I really enjoyed the story. Looks like the guy got to experience something that I wanted to do in my youth.
  12. Mine was "Come Softly to me" by the Fleetwoods. I had to look it up as well. Definitely a 50's type of song. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKaW4HSnmDU]YouTube - The Fleetwoods - Come Softly to Me[/ame]
  13. That looks like a nice setup. Well, I think I'll use the switched power supply to my auxiliary plug to power my XM player. I'll use the switched power supply under the seat by the battery to trigger the relay for the driving lights. I hate to have to cut the plug off but I don't see a way to use it any other way unless someone makes a plug for it. Does anyone know what this plug is for?
  14. Does Yamaha sell a plug so that we can use the little white plug under the seat by the battery?
  15. Ok, where do I tap into switched power?
  16. There is a little white plug under the seat by the battery. I checked it with a meter and it is switched power. Do any of you guys use this for a power supply? If so, did you simply cut the plug or is there something that can be plugged into it? I would like to use this as a switched power supply to a power panel but thought I'd check with you guys first.
  17. Oh for pete's sake! It was in the 60's today and my bike is still in pieces. I'm installing passing lights and a XM radio. For some reason I can't get the lights to work. Of course, I've had a couple of buds show up on their bikes. They wanted me to ride with them but mine is out of commission.
  18. The Bay City Rollers. Oh how I hated them. http://www.bikeforums.net/images/smilies/mad.gif http://farm1.static.flickr.com/85/216580037_bdb499faf5.jpg?v=0
  19. oh yea, hardly considered music!
  20. Mickey--Toni Basil for the win!!!
  21. So all you have to do is ride 1500 miles in 36 hours? Piece o Cake.....
  22. Well I have the factory light bar for my bike but I'm still waffling on what switch to buy. So far I've gotten a switch to put in the fairing but changed my mind so I bought a billet switch to mount on the handlebar. Now I don't think I want that one either. Bummer recommended the Kuryakyn switch that mounts on the master cylinder. I like it but haven't seen one in real life. Does it slide over the master cylinder reservoir or simply sit on top? http://www.cruisercustomizing.com/images/image_18259_200.jpg Here is another brand. It looks like it either slides over the reservoir or is a replacement. Note the cover is on top. I'm really interested in this one because it looks like I can mount my Hoon XM radio mount on top. Anyone know about this style? http://www.wingstuff.com/pgroup_detail/361_Accessory_Switches/20159_Chrome_Brake_Side_LED_Accessory_Switch_Block/?goto=%2Fpgroup_list%2Fgl1800%2F361_goldwing_Accessory_Switches%2Fdes%2F http://www.wingstuff.com/images//store1/pgroups/20159_image1.gif
  23. Yea, we just renewed ours as well. We don't need a card.
  24. I don't get it. You have to submit your passport to get a passport?
  25. I enjoyed his show as well. Boy they had a lot of strife in that shop. And all the guys who quit or got fired or ended up working for Chip Foos.
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