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Mariner Fan

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Everything posted by Mariner Fan

  1. Wow, I didn't know you could use so much. I already love the stuff and use it on my yard equipment as well.
  2. Geez, I guess I better look a little harder. Perhaps they have a cap over the valve? Like I said, I just glanced at it.
  3. Hey Vance, I'm 6'2" as well. I can see over the stock windshield by just sitting more upright. Did you think the XXL was taller than stock? I ask this because I want to get the clearview but am torn between the XL and the XXL.
  4. Ok, here is the stupid question of the day. I glanced at the nipples where you add air to the front shocks. They don't appear to be a schrader valve. So, is that why you have to buy a special pump?
  5. 86Royale, Hoon hardware sells a hardwire cord for the Roady XM. It is designed to decrease voltage to either 5 volts or 6 volts depending on your needs. A little spendy but I have one and it works fine. http://www.hoonhardware.com/RoadyHolder/roadyholder.htm
  6. Weird weather here. We have had snow then sunshine this weekend. I've been able to take the scoot out for some short runs.
  7. Haha, I know this dog.....
  8. Aiming those things are a real bear. You definitely need an extra hand to do it.
  9. ViperMax, I saw a 2008 in your colors at my local shop. This is one sharp color scheme. Nice!
  10. Stratcat, that is the best looking set of pipes I've seen. By wicked, do you mean really loud?
  11. My thoughts exactly!!! Well done Jeff!
  12. Red Skelton was one of the best. Thanks for sharing this video.
  13. A beautiful bike for sure. Congratulations Gary!
  14. I was thinking the same thing Stratcat. You took some mighty fine pictures of your bike and blowing them up to poster size would look cool.
  15. I can run mine either way. I suppose your risking a ticket if you run the high beams with the passing lamps but I don't think the cops would make an issue out of it unless your lights blind oncoming traffic. I wouldn't run my high beams on a busy two way road anyway.
  16. I don't use mine much because I'm so used to using the toe shifter. I'm trying to use it more though.
  17. I went out yesterday. It was cold, I was cold. I was a happy guy...
  18. Thanks Goose, I looked at my windshield tabs when my fairing was split and sure enough, one side was broken. This on a brand new bike with less than a thousand miles! Next time I have it apart I'll use your tips for fixing it.
  19. That is cool as heck. Definitely spooky, especially the first picture!
  20. Sorry to hear that. God bless his family.
  21. Man that figures! I just cut the plug off of mine last weekend! Great idea Goose.
  22. Man that figures! I just cut the plug off of mine last weekend! Great idea Goose.
  23. Congratulations on your new ride!
  24. Impressive! Thanks for sharing the video. royalstarjac, didn't the F-22 just come into service a couple of years ago? Were you involved with working on prototype test planes?
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