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Mariner Fan

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Everything posted by Mariner Fan

  1. So, Brian. Where did you buy the bike? Cleveland?
  2. Sherry, I'm so very sorry for your loss. Sounds like Tom was a heck of a great guy. I read about the accident and all that you have been through and we are truly touched by your correspondence with the VentureRiders. Yes, I tell my wife Ruth that I love her every day. We are blessed to have someone to love like this. I hope and pray that you and your family are doing well. Bob
  3. Brian, Very nice choice! You may not know this but Black is the color of objects that do not emit or reflect light in any part of the visible spectrum. That combined with the added chrome makes your bike the fastest of all the Ventures.
  4. Jack you have a good gig! Very nice indeed.
  5. I don't wear them when riding but I wear them at work and when I sleep. I've always used Classic yellow EAR soft foam earplugs.. http://www.worldofsafety.co.uk/acatalog/EAR-Classic.jpg
  6. That was giving me the creeps just watching the video!
  7. Good luck Don.
  8. This is a waterproof XM radio. I've thought about getting one of these for awhile but since it's a Harley product, the price is a ridiculous $250.00. I found this one used on E-Bay for $75.00. The guy switched to Sirius. http://buzznet-86.vo.llnwd.net/assets/users16/marinerfan/default/Road_Tech_Radio_004--large-msg-120942759465.jpg He didn't have the handlebar mount since it was attached to his fairing. It was perfect for me since I already had a Hoon hardware mount for my Delphi Roady 2. http://buzznet-58.vo.llnwd.net/assets/users16/marinerfan/default/XM_Radio_002--large-msg-120896983532.jpg It has a built in 1/8" audio output jack so that is perfect. The power supply had a plug but the owner had cut it. He included the plug but it didn't work for me anyway. I simply hooked it up to 12 volt switched power and everything worked great. I must say that it's a very nice unit. Totally waterproof and has big buttons so that you can use it with gloves. I think price of a new unit is too high, but if you can find a used one like I did, it's money well spent.
  9. Sorry guys, My daughter is holding me hostage. She says she might get married but has no time set yet. She is talking about this fall but her boyfriend hasn't asked yet. Geez....... I have to be prepared in case something happens.
  10. Curt, if you are planning to go, I might go as well. I can meet you on the way and we can ride together. Bob
  11. Yea, I start it up and everything is good. After a couple of minutes the screen goes dark. I sure hope the monitor is not going out.
  12. Yea, your right. That was a bit harsh. Point I was making was that for some reason, the cyclist chose to follow the girls. Maybe he wanted to confront their parent's about the girls behavior and ended up getting shot. Guess we will never know.
  13. I'm not surprised. Should be easy for the prosecution to convict. The dude claiming self defense when he shot the cyclist in the back is laughable. The motorcyclist should get the Darwin award for being such a dumb-ass and putting himself in that situation. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darwin_award
  14. Man, those sound great! Couple of questions. Did you have to re-jet the carbs? Are they reasonably quiet at idle? Oh yea, where did you get them?
  15. Looks like you picked the perfect day to skip work! Curt, thanks for sharing your pictures. Man, I wish Ruth would like to ride like Deb! Looking forward to meeting you guys. I went out with a few buds today. Nice but windy out there. We stopped at the local Yamaha shop and I noticed that the 08 Venture wasn't there. I asked the owner about it and he said that he sold it and a silver one that was in the back getting prepped. He also said he has a firm offer to sell another black cherry. Don't know if these are going to be ridden local or not. Never know, they might be down in your neck of the woods. Bob
  16. They get all upset if you have drugs or guns. Used to be you could cross at will. Didn't need anything other than a drivers license. I've heard that you will need a Passport to cross the border but I think that hasn't been put in place yet.
  17. Dave, Look up Steve (Bummer), You both have the same days off and he's a good guy to ride with. You are more than welcome to visit me in Alexandria. I'm just down the road. Bob
  18. Good story. Man, that trestle really went up!
  19. Man, that bike looks mean!
  20. Hey! I resemble that remark!
  21. The link doesn't work for me. Is that a picture of the new V-Max?
  22. Mini, You could always pick it up with your spare change and use it to house Ventureriders when they are in the neighborhood....just saying....
  23. SaltyDawg is talking about the auxiliary power port on the lower left side of your fairing. I tapped into this wiring to power the relay to my driving lights.
  24. There is a switched power plug by the battery under the seat. It's a little white plug that goes to nothing. It has a cap on it and it looks like this. http://buzznet-68.vo.llnwd.net/assets/users16/marinerfan/default/Wire_plug_003--large-msg-120472057782.jpg Bob
  25. Dan, I want to go to the Maintenance day meet but I think they are going to be filled up. Just thinking of it so far.
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