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Mariner Fan

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Everything posted by Mariner Fan

  1. Sure, you can tap into the auxiliary wire inside the fairing. This is the one that goes to the cigarette lighter plug on the lower left side of the fairing. Alternative number two is a switched power supply under the seat. It's a little white plug that isn't used for anything. Looks like this. http://buzznet-68.vo.llnwd.net/assets/users16/marinerfan/default/Wire_plug_003--large-msg-120472057782.jpg Third option is to just use the supplied plug for the cigarette lighter style. It's the easiest. Bob
  2. If I were in Utah, I'd head West to Wendover. Ok, I graduated from Wendover High School. Class of 1977.
  3. Don, I don't have a clue what I need for a head set. I am very interested in ordering one though.
  4. Yep, I have XM in my truck and on my bike. I'm hooked, and it's great not having to search for channels when you travel long distances.
  5. How lame, and yet I laughed out loud!
  6. Have a great trip. Sounds like fun!
  7. That's a nice helmet alright. I must have a Shoei head as well because I really like my RJ Platinum-R. I got mine at Helmet City. Seemed like a decent price. http://www.helmetcity.com/page/HC/CTGY/shoei
  8. People were asking where the Mayor was. Well, I guess that blue healer will be politicking for the job just like he was politicking for a bike to everyone's hamburgers.
  9. Well it looks like he got what he deserved!
  10. Good eye. I wouldn't have noticed that.
  11. You must be talking about the Silver bike. How can you tell it's an 08? They have made a lot of Silver bikes over the years. Thanks for sharing the pictures!
  12. It still has the original dash!
  13. Damn, that is HOT!
  14. Mariner Fan

    In 135

    Cool video Steve, Took me a bit to get oriented. I did the same route only the opposite direction. I stopped at Story as well. Looks like you picked a day when the roads were clear of bikers.
  15. A Wagner Grill is on the short list of my next accessories.
  16. Congratulations! We are still waiting for our first Grandchild...
  17. Everyone is different. The bike doesn't care how far you travel in a day. I took a longish trip today and the only trouble I had was my butt got sore due to a long time in one position. I think a bead pad would help this. One of the things that help on long distance rides.
  18. The funny thing is I believe a good pair of safety glasses would work best. They come in prescription lenses. Wrap around style with a straight ear piece would probably work fine.
  19. Lynn, It worked on your flag!
  20. **BUMP** Hope you don't have to stay in jail too long Bobbie. What's George going to do when the food runs out!
  21. I'm the first VetureRider you met? Geez, hope you don't hold that against everyone else here! Well, we are back. Rode 300+ miles with no issues except we both have sun/windburned faces. I was laughing at Ruth and she told me to look in the mirror. Rabbit Hash is a great place to go. Why? Cause it's different and the road there is really windy. Ruth and I got there before Stratcat. We were sitting at a table people watching when we saw him ride up. First thing he did was walk over to my bike and check it out. Course it was one of the best looking rigs out there. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2243/2522993716_d49f23cf0f_b.jpg It was funny how many Harley riders stopped to check the Venture out. Here are a couple of pictures The hamburger guy. He and the girl selling beer were making a killing. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2373/2522169817_9b66589947_b.jpg I'll bet this dude had troubles negotiating the sharp corners on the way to Rabbit Hash! http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2345/2522171359_7cc2c4e0fd_b.jpg Don't know why I took a picture of this bike other than it was really yellow! http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2037/2522995308_5a06f8b18b_b.jpg I guess this is a gambling boat. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2361/2522167659_b2ec47881a_b.jpg Place got pretty crowded. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2110/2522172975_d8cfdf9eda_b.jpg http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2242/2522174191_3c8b5ebb61_b.jpg http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2322/2522168759_1206da699c_b.jpg
  22. Arrange it and we will be there!
  23. Not me either. So, was Nashville packed with bikes today?
  24. How do you get there?
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