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Mariner Fan

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Everything posted by Mariner Fan

  1. Yea, I was debating with Jerry about the harm in letting a loan company have a photo copy of his license. Seems to me that there isn't much someone can do with that in terms of getting money out of your bank account. Of course there are con artists everywhere so it does pay to be careful. I'm trying to sell a bicycle on Craigslist and I've had the usual reply's from people wanting to send me a cashiers check. The last one was a little different. He wants to pay me through Paypal and have the bike shipped to Japan. I figure his scam is to get the bike and then get Paypal to refund the money. Or something like that. Anyway, it smells fishy so I'm not biting.
  2. So sorry to hear about that Don. Prayers sent for your family.
  3. Call me Jerry. Ruthy is a Notary.
  4. Great News!!! Man, I was hoping to hear something good. Thanks Monkey Boy and Squid for keeping us updated.
  5. I'm up North Cindy and would be glad to help but I work all week. Welcome to Indiana. Hope to see you soon at a Meet and Eat.
  6. I agree about the tape deck. I never think about it behind the door. CD players are outdated too. MP3 players are the way to go on a bike. I actually have XM radio and it does everything that I want for music and talk radio. I look at the Harleys once a year or so and really like them. Breaking everything down, I suppose the sound of the Harley Motor draws me to them. Trouble with me is how much they are over priced for what you get. I think everyone gets the urge to try a different ride once in a while but for me, no one makes a bike yet that will make me get rid of the Venture.
  7. Prayers sent Ponch and wishing you a complete recovery!
  8. Damn Brad, that sucks! Glad your not banged up too bad.
  9. Mariner Fan


    Why leather? And what brand of holster do you like Terry? I'm using a Ready Holster for my Ruger GP100 and it's pretty nice. I was thinking that a leather western style holster would be fun for this gun.
  10. Happy Birthday Dano! Let's meet up for Lunch sometime soon so I can see your new ride!
  11. Glad your ok Cliff. I guess an inattentive driver can get you no matter how safe you are.
  12. Tried many different brands and now I'm back to Yamalube Synthetic. My bike seems to run the best with it, so that Is what it will get.
  13. You just have to put the bike on a stand so that the front wheel is off the ground. Center the handlebars and lightly tap it to one side. If goes to the stop and bounces then it's too loose. Mine bounced two or three times. Goose tightened it to where it went to the stop and settled in nicely. Now that I've seen it done, I realize that it's an easy procedure.
  14. I agree! Easy to do and a huge improvement!
  15. Steve, If and when you get those bars let us know how you like them. I've often thought they would be a great fit for the Venture.
  16. Would have liked to see you as well Bill. Congrats on the new bike!
  17. That sounds like fun. What dealership are you buying it from? Oh, I see your getting an '09. Plan on staying overnight or just getting the bike and heading back?
  18. I'm the safety manager at my place of work. We have three different sizes of disposable earplugs. It's definitely not one size fits all.
  19. Good idea! I say go ahead and add them as a sponsor Don.
  20. Thanks for the update Paul. Glad your able to write us here in VentureRiders! Wishing you both a speedy recovery!
  21. I've been using XM radio for some time now and it's great. Especially on those long rides because you don't have to change channels!
  22. Good to hear Tom!!
  23. I'm so old that I remember those commercials! I even marched in a parade where I dressed as a Rainer Beer! http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_llhcabLq9v1qzp6igo1_500.jpg [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gq_BMbiiRjw]YouTube - ‪Rainier Beer "A Brew Apart"‬‏[/ame]
  24. That's the coolest BBQ!! I didn't know you had ties to Washington!
  25. A couple of those pictures looked like Dano on a Second Gen. I must be seeing things!
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