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Mariner Fan

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Everything posted by Mariner Fan

  1. I used to have that bumper on my old 72 chev. Yea, I got rear ended in that truck too and all I ended up with is his paint on my bumper. His car was toast! Lucky for me, her car was low enough that she hit the trailer hitch and not the bumper. That hitch is pretty robust.
  2. Yea, it's scary. She said that she doesn't have the money to pay the deductible for her insurance. All she could talk about was how her husband was going to kill her. I always look in my mirrors when I stop at an intersection when on the bike. I didn't do that in the truck and she thumped me pretty good. My biggest fear has always been getting rear ended on the bike. That's why I added lights on the back and keep a look out for people like that.
  3. You get the picture Popeye. She said that she just got her car back from the last time she rear-ended a car. Said she hit that one so hard that the airbags deployed!
  4. Lucky for me, it was the first time I drove my truck to work in over a month. I got rear-ended by a young girl in a car. All it did was knock the paint off of my trailer hitch. Her car sustained some pretty good damage in the front. All I could think of was how lucky I was to not be on the bike today. Be careful out there.
  5. That stuff is cool! I want to get an officer's sword someday. No doubt those things will sell.
  6. My dog used to be like that. Never saw a crotch she didn't stick her nose into! The sound effects were perfect!
  7. Agreed. The cops in Stevens county Washington put them on their cruisers. Still managed to smash into a bunch of deer.
  8. Hey Erik, Was great meeting you. We shall ride together again!
  9. Don, What Sirius programs do you like? Just curious. I have XM so I don't know what Sirius offers.
  10. Somehow I think it will end up costing us more. Usually they bundle programing so If I want MLB I'll have to pay for other stuff I don't want or need.
  11. Love the mount but don't like that it's not adjustable so the GPS will face you. Yea, the music is cool!
  12. I'm on a lot of lists. Most are not good!
  13. Give Leadwolf56 a jingle. I believe he has a Zumo 450 on his bike. Same difference.
  14. Ok, question number two. Is there a clearance problem opening the lid your saddlebag?
  15. I've thought of putting a cup holder on the passenger grab bar but wondered if you would hit it every time you got on the bike.
  16. I think you nailed it. I believe the folks that have had troubles with the rear brake were lifting their foot off the floorboard. It's been discussed in a couple of threads.
  17. Try as you might to be safe but sometimes they will get you. Autopilot, I understand your frustration. God bless his family.
  18. Well said! Glad your ok.
  19. I had a similar experience when I was trying to get my laptop fixed. The guy told me that he would let me know what was wrong in a couple of days. Well, after a week I swung in to see what was up. He said it needed a part and he had to order it. Fine, I figured so I waited again. Another week passed and I checked again. He said that I needed to pay in advance for the part before he could order it. Now why didn't he say that in the first place! Well this went on and on and the dang computer never got repaired. I just gave up and bought a new one.
  20. Are you getting some rain? Looks like the storm is on the southern tip of Texas.
  21. Here is another one. Courtesy of Stratcat. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2ydXDGhHZw]YouTube - Yamaha Royal Star Venture Baron's 4-2-4 Nasty Boys Exhaust[/ame]
  22. I'm a little off the route you are taking but if you get in a jam, feel free to give me a call. Bob
  23. I know Texas is a big state. Are any of you folks in the path of the Hurricane?
  24. Well I was listening to the MP3 player today. Really sounds nice! I'm going to have to work on how to sort the music a bit.
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