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Mariner Fan

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Everything posted by Mariner Fan

  1. Hmm, looks like Asheville is a mere 500 miles away.
  2. Another cool ride is up through highway 26. You go right by the base of Mount Hood.
  3. If you can ride through Highway 126 through the Mackenzie River you will never forget it.
  4. You know that most old timers in Baker City call the town Baker. Adding the City thing was just weird.
  5. We go here at least once every other year. If I were loaded, I would buy a place here to live. Beautiful country!
  6. Glad you are relatively ok. Looks like you got pretty banged up. Hope you heal soon and your bike gets repaired. Boomer, do you know why you went down? Bob
  7. Nice pictures. Looks like you had a great time!
  8. Geez, 9 weeks? Looks like a long wait for me since I ordered mine a month ago. I see they just took the money from my order so I was hoping that meant they were ready to start on my windshield. Well cool, bet your excited!
  9. I have ICE on my cellphone. My business card is in my wallet with all the information they would need.
  10. I'm getting a bad feeling that the Venture motorcycle is dead. Not sure if they will come out with a third gen or not.
  11. Makes sense and it's alot cheaper than buying the bike and getting it converted.
  12. Here's a good deal http://www.yamahasportscenter.com/eshopprod_cat_3790-6666-4199_product_459328.PASSING_LAMPS.htm
  13. I would give South Seattle Sports Plaza a call. That is where I bought mine. Not sure why they aren't listed anymore. It's on the Yamaha Star site. http://www.starmotorcycles.com/star/products/modelscitemdetail/5/4/83/408/2008/1/241/0/0/detail.aspx
  14. Awesome! Have a great trip and bring back pictures! Bob
  15. The bionic man! Glad your healing up Steve!
  16. I agree. Under the right circumstances folks will pay high dollar for used bikes. I've been looking at Suzuki GS1000's on E-Bay since that was the first bike I owned (nostalgia). I found one that is exactly like my old scoot and it has a buy it now price of $8250! Curious to see if someone actually pays that amount. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Motorcycles___1978-Suzuki-GS1000-GS1000E-one-owner-mint-condition_W0QQitemZ160266737307QQddnZMotorcyclesQQddiZ2283QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item160266737307&_trksid=p3756.m14.l1318 Who knows? Old bike prices might go the way of muscle cars. People will pay any price to get what they want. Used bicycles are going up in value as well. I just sold a bike frame on E-Bay for $760! Thats right, frame only. I was hoping to get 400 bucks for it but it's a collectible and a couple of guys really wanted it. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=019&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=290242396496&rd=1
  17. Seca 750's. Those were pretty great bikes back in the day. Ever notice when you get old you say "back in the day" alot?
  18. Very nice indeed. Well done!
  19. Good to hear that you are both ok. Hope you heal up quickly and you can find parts to get the bike fixed. Bob
  20. Yikes! I would have been honked off like no tomorrow if that happened to me. I didn't have the stinger attached to the hitch. Got tired of cracking my shins on the dang thing!
  21. My plan is to position myself like Eck described so that I can easily split lanes if necessary. No need to run into an intersection unless it's going to be a big pile up.
  22. I like the way you think!
  23. It doesn't get any better than that Curt. Sounds like you had a great trip! Looking forward to seeing the pictures that I know you took.
  24. Thanks for the thoughts and comments. I was surrounded by 5000 lbs of American steel! Her little car wasn't going to hurt me. I was just thinking again about how easy it would be for one of us to get rear ended by some cell phone talking person who isn't paying attention. You feel pretty vulnerable on a scoot. Keep your eyes open folks!
  25. I'm in the high 30's. Thats using my 5th grade education rounding up the numbers from the gas pump to the trip odometer. Average probably around 37 mph. And I'm not easy on the throttle.
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