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Mariner Fan

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Everything posted by Mariner Fan

  1. I bought a pre-made wiring harness. It was just plug and go. It's pretty easy to do with just the parts, but this is an option. http://www.easternbeaver.com/Main/Products/Aux_Lights/aux_lights.html
  2. That just made me spit out my pop laughing so hard! :rotf::crackup::rotf:
  3. Will there be pictures of the tattooing in progress?
  4. Me - Ol' Ratso of the Heavy Horses MC (Guess that's better than Ol' Fatso!) Ruth - Ol' Momma of the Cracked Craniums MC
  5. I use the Kuryakyn pegs. Got them from one of the guys here on VentureRiders. It's a standard mount and peg #8030. I positioned it forward due to my long legs. I'm 6'2". It fits fine but I'm thinking of getting a wider peg. http://cdn.buzznet.com/assets/users16/marinerfan/default/Pegs_001--large-msg-12184699041.jpg
  6. Man, I resemble that video! That was hilarious!
  7. I'm with Squidley on this one. Hard to beat it in court. I think the laser radar is the most accurate.
  8. Bob, You will have to split the fairing to see how it's wired. I've done this installation before so if you want to take a ride up North I'd be happy to help you out.
  9. Great pictures! Thanks for sharing. Boy, looking at all that food is making me hungry...
  10. As long as you use the Venture passing lamp bar you can put any light you want on it. http://images.motorsportdealers.com/common/MediaLibrary/CatalogImages/62/500/744134e9a.jpg
  11. That's awesome Curt! I take it that his super hot wife wasn't there as well.
  12. Today I tried the bike shorts and the powder. It didn't work. Still got serious monkey butt. I'm looking into the sheepskin covers for the seat. Hope it works!
  13. I'm still unsure about the backrest. I'm pretty tall and I like to sit way back in the seat. Every time I've ridden a Venture with a backrest I felt like it was pushing me forward. Now my back doesn't hurt when I ride. Isn't that what a back rest is for? Ebat....I have the same trouble as you with the backside getting rubbed raw after 400 miles or so. I'm still working on a solution for that.
  14. You mean you don't practice your karaoke while riding? Not that I've ever done that.....
  15. Because you have a hankering for a Second Gen???? . .
  16. You got that right Dan! I heard a rumor that there is a Venture here in Alexandria. I have the coordinates so I'll check it out. Poor dude doesn't know what he's in for!
  17. Are you going to get a sheepskin cover? I'm looking at getting one.
  18. I used switched power for mine. You can go either way for that. There is a small white plug next to the battery that is switched or you can splice into the cigarette plug inside the fairing. I'm using one for the driving lights and one for the Garmin. I can't remember which one I used for each.
  19. I cut the 2x4's into four blocks and placed them on the corners. It takes a bit of maneuvering to get them positioned correctly.
  20. I'm impressed that it has a Clearview windshield. I ordered mine 6 weeks ago. From the sounds of things, I still have another 3 weeks before I see it. I really like highway pegs. It's really nice to be able to move the legs around on long rides, plus your feet get hot when your on the floorboards too long.
  21. Beautiful bike! Looks like your not lacking for accessories!
  22. Walt, the reason that my pegs are much cheaper than the longhorns is that they aren't very adjustable. I'm the same height as you are and these allow me to stretch my legs out when mounted this way. A shorter rider would have to reverse the mounting to even reach the peg.
  23. These are basic kuryakyn's. I think you can get a set for around 50 bucks. I bought mine from one of the guys here so I'm not sure of the price new. I'm long in the legs so they fit me pretty well. http://cdn.buzznet.com/assets/users16/marinerfan/default/Pegs_001--gallery-msg-12184699041.jpg http://cdn.buzznet.com/assets/users16/marinerfan/default/Pegs_003--gallery-msg-12184699099.jpg
  24. I'm a traditional kind of guy and would have appreciated those pictures! Sounds like they had a shooting between an off duty Seattle cop and a guy from the Hells Angels. Not a good scene. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2008104766_sturgis11m.html
  25. Man, I thought you were kidding!
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