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Mariner Fan

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Everything posted by Mariner Fan

  1. We got a tablet that I think will be good to take with us on vacations. It's a Google platform. Ruthy also has a Kindle e-reader. I thought it was a big waste of money but she likes it! lol
  2. That was a nice afternoon. It's too bad that you live so far from us because I know we would be riding together alot. Praying for you Dan!
  3. You did well, congratulations on your new bike!!!
  4. Hope your healing well Dan. Ruthy and I are sending you prayers for a full recovery. See you soon bud.
  5. You girls type too fast in chat. I feel like I'm around three conversions behind.
  6. I agree that the person posting the comment wasn't trying to be insensitive but I'll say right now that it bugged me. There is a time and place to discuss that stuff.
  7. I was just telling my friend Sean that I hate when the corn stalks are high because a deer can jump out and you would not have a chance to avoid them....:mad:
  8. Well crap, that is bad news. Hope you recover soon Dan!
  9. Ponch, we are thinking of ya!
  10. Happy Birthday Brad!
  11. The ride of shame!!! The dealership should have taken care of your friend!
  12. Good luck on the Surgery and heal fast Tom.
  13. I'm not upset that they haven't changed the bike. I still like mine, and still have a year left on the warranty. Now, if they do decide to do something next year to the bike that still keeps the cruiser styling and comfort of the Second Gen. along with upgrades I'd be very interested! Timing is everything. If Yamaha decides to go back to a Goldwing copy, I'd have to pass.
  14. Really sorry to hear this Wayne. Condolences to your family.
  15. That's what I did. Tried a few different types and now use the one that seems to quiet the whine down the best. Yamalube Synthetic.
  16. I rolled my bike on a truck scale the other day. It weighed 940 lbs. Must be all the stuff I have in the bags and trunk.
  17. Still checking on you Ponch! Thoughts and prayers coming your way.
  18. Charlie, it must have been tough realize your riding days are over. We are all getting a bit older and you never know when we will have to make the same decision. Hope you still post here and let us know what your up to!
  19. Glad your Ok after that wreck. I can see that happening to any of us!
  20. What happened this time Jerry?
  21. I always feel more comfortable turning right than Left. Same thing when I water ski.
  22. Ponch, we are checking up on you daily and praying for you. Get yourself well brother.
  23. I'm pretty sure I'm heading to the circle on Saturday night. Sean is stoked to go so he can show off his bike. He put LED's on it.
  24. Kevin, I want to come over some time and check the pipes out. Were you thinking of going to Indy for the Moto GP?
  25. Just checking up on Ponch. We are still keeping you in our thoughts and prayers for a full recovery!
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