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Mariner Fan

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Everything posted by Mariner Fan

  1. I wonder if it's Leadwolf's old bike.
  2. Is this what the bottle of Rotella Synthetic looks like? http://www.shell.com/static/rotella-en/images/products/synth_cj4.jpg I don't want to get the wrong stuff.
  3. The Shoei fits good with me too. Their sizing chart seems to be very accurate. At least with my size.
  4. Well that's the rub. I'm a tall guy and the Venture is the only bike that seemed to be comfortable for someone like me. Now I understand why bike manufacturers try to get the saddles low since that will bring more riders in. For me though it makes for a cramped riding position.
  5. Jim, Have you checked the Members List? You can break down the membership by state and see who lives nearby. Bob
  6. Nice pictures! Had a visit from a heard of elk?
  7. That's true. Lets see what the size specs are when they decide to post them. It looks like the cockpit is more cramped than the Venture. That would be a deal breaker for me.
  8. Just a bump for Dan's invitation to ride tomorrow. Your all welcome, great weather and probably the last time to get a ride like this in till next year. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?threadid=28383
  9. Yea Dan, I'll be following you. God help me!! Should be a fun ride tomorrow. Looking forward to it!
  10. Geez, I tried every trick in the book to get this unit to boot up but it's dead. Check out how many folks have had the same trouble as me! 44 pages of the same thing! http://www.zumoforums.com/index.php?topic=339.0 There is a definite problem with these units. Good news is that Garmin support has been very good with me and it looks like they will make it right. Hopefully, I will be able to find danob11 and Bummer tomorrow since I'm "blind"!
  11. I like mine better!
  12. Yep, it was a close one. The car behind the one that stopped in the middle of the highway had to hit the brakes and swerve right towards me. Could have been a bad pile up there. You got to wonder what the heck these folks are thinking!
  13. Looking good weather wise here in Indiana. Guess I'll be forced to take the scoot out for a couple of nice runs. Alexandria, Indiana, United States (46001) This Afternoon http://forecast.weather.gov/images/wtf/skc.jpg Sunny Hi 78°F Lo 50°F Saturday http://forecast.weather.gov/images/wtf/few.jpg Sunny Hi 80°F Lo 55°F Sunday http://forecast.weather.gov/images/wtf/few.jpg Sunny Hi 83°F Lo 57°F
  14. Wayne, I understand your anger. I just had a couple of close calls myself. Glad you were able to avoid a wreck!
  15. Thanks Lynn, I just needed to vent about those knuckleheads. I'm really glad I took the motorcycle safety course!
  16. Geez, almost got taken out twice today! Incident #1 - I was riding in the right lane of a four lane divided highway. Coming the other direction was a funeral procession. The lead car in our group in the left lane figured they had to stop. The car right behind couldn't brake quick enough so they swerved into my lane causing me to go onto the shoulder to avoid getting hit. Incident #2 - Minutes later, I rolled into town and was following a car. A school bus was coming the other way and stopped at a railroad crossing. They always stop and turn on their lights before crossing the tracks. For some reason, the car in front of me slammed on their brakes and stopped as well. I had to swerve around the car to avoid rear ending it. Lucky I had left enough room to do this. Needless to say, I feel pretty lucky. Be careful out there.
  17. Well, I'm not sure what the dealership is getting at there. Lowering just the rear of the bike will increase the rake angle and cause the bike to handle more sluggishly. I actually did just the opposite to my bike. I put a kit on it to raise the rear of the bike and this made it much more responsive. Now I'm tall so that was not a problem for me. Nice looking steed Mike. I'm sure your going to have alot of fun on it.
  18. I'm not sure about the height difference between the Tour Deluxe and the Venture. I hope that you have both the front and the rear of the bike lowered together. One of our members had just the rear of his bike lowered with a Baron's kit (I think). Lowering just the back of the bike will affect the handling and make it much harder to handle at low speeds. Another trick that I have read about had to do with modifying the seat by narrowing it. Seems to make a big difference with the vertically challenged. Oh yea, we like pictures so get your camera out and snap a few shots of your new bike for us!
  19. Congratulations on your new bike! Yes, the 2007 model is a second Gen.
  20. It wasn't me. Bronson, it's tough to track these guys down. I've seen an 08 Black Cherry riding through Alexandria more than once, but I've always been unable to chase him down. I've also heard of a midnight similar to mine around town. Never seen it but more than one of my friends have. Good luck in your hunt.
  21. Working great here!
  22. Good stuff. I still like to watch the old westerns on TV.
  23. Never thought of that! I just thought the video was good and would serve as a reminder to those that like to ride wheelies and stoppies on their Ventures!
  24. Yiikes! That could ruin your day!
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