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Mariner Fan

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Everything posted by Mariner Fan

  1. Art, I have the J&M headset with the Buddy Rich cable. My cell phone integrates perfectly with my garmin 550. Pretty nice set up when your riding down the road and someone calls you. Bob
  2. What are the Dairy Queen rules? He who runs to the counter first laughs at the the rest of us who has to wait?
  3. Awesome pictures! Man, I wish we would have gone.
  4. I was wondering the same thing!
  5. I had a Husqvarna 250 dirt bike. It kinda looked like this but mine was dented and beat up. We figured that if you weren't crashing, you weren't riding hard enough. Glad I was young and able to recover quickly. http://www.huskyclub.com/OzPeter75250CR.JPG
  6. Jay is right about the coats being hard to store. I can put it in my trunk and I think I've jammed it in the saddlebag but it was hard to do.
  7. It's happened to me as well. Even had a couple of them ride wheelies while passing me.
  8. It's a big calender! Hard to even tell that these bikes are Yamaha's but man, are they pretty.
  9. I rode with a big group of folks from the Indianapolis Star group a couple of weekends ago. They had a safety meeting before we took off and I was impressed by their organization. Still, with that many people, there were a couple of incidents due to the different skill levels of riders. I made it a point to keep my distance from the other riders since I hadn't ridden with most of them before. Guess it's better to be extra cautious whenever you ride in groups.
  10. Only 200 miles? That's like a ride around the block for you!
  11. It was about a 20 minute wait for me. First time I've ever stood in line to vote. Not bad all in all.
  12. Hey folks, I'm the Safety Manager here where I work. We are a foundry, and I buy Kevlar coats and chaps for the guys to prevent burns. The supplier sent us some chaps that were too long so I had to cut a foot off of them to make them fit. I was thinking that this material would work great for someone to make a pair of draggin' jeans if they were skilled with a sewing machine. The material is Carbon/Kevlar and is 12"x26". Should be enough to cover the seat and knees of a pair of jeans. If you want it, I'll be happy to send it to you free of charge. Figured it beats throwing it away. Bob http://cdn.buzznet.com/assets/users16/marinerfan/default/Carbon_Kevlar--large-msg-122581205985.jpg
  13. Can't help you Bubba but keep us up to date on your progress. I'm looking forward to seeing your bike after you do the mods.
  14. Another option could be to wear a balaclava under your open face helmet. I do this and it keeps me nice and warm, plus they only cost around 15 bucks.
  15. Cool seeing a Venture on the Dragon. Looks like you had fun!
  16. Man, that is a 13 hour drive for me. Of course Squidley has an even longer trek.
  17. Man, that was funny as hell!
  18. Yes, best choice you can make.
  19. Jonas, I like their sound alot. You should be proud of your son!
  20. Well it looks like I need to go to Louisville to check on Curt. It's always a good time down there. I'm hoping to get a big group ride in Southern Indiana with the Kentucky and Indiana crew. Maybe next summer.
  21. Ha ha.....I thought every bike there was black cherry!
  22. Nice pictures! Wish I would have made it to this ride.
  23. Dang, what a pain in the butt...........sorry, couldn't resist..
  24. The answer is yes. Just to complicate things, I put on a light under the trunk that I feel is much better than the factory wing/light setup. Much cheaper too. http://signaldynamics.com/products/LightBars/15ultra.asp http://cdn.buzznet.com/assets/users16/marinerfan/default/021--large-msg-122029136925.jpg
  25. Peggy, sorry for your loss. Yea, it's tough to loose your pet They really are part of your family. We just lost our dogs to old age. One of them thought that she was a great squirrel hunter. We used to laugh like crazy watching her and the squirrel go at it. No, she never caught one either but it wasn't for lack of trying.
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