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Mariner Fan

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Everything posted by Mariner Fan

  1. It's 48 degrees outside. Time to ride!
  2. Yea, the wind was really strong last night. I took the scoot out as well. Kinda cold but I was happy.
  3. Mark, I mounted a waterproof switch in the fairing just below the cigarette lighter power supply. http://www.easternbeaver.com/Main/togglewithboot_9001.jpg Ten bucks, and the switch is top notch in quality. These guys have really nice stuff. http://www.easternbeaver.com/Main/Elec__Products/Switches/switches.html http://cdn.buzznet.com/assets/users16/marinerfan/default/large-msg-123052888623.jpg
  4. I have a membership with Star Touring but there isn't a chapter close to me. I did ride with some of those guys though and it was a good time.
  5. Don't the Harley Fairing have an inner piece that has a radio and speakers?
  6. I have this week off and the next couple of days look favorable. The first is supposed to be cold but I might do it anyway just to say I did.
  7. Gaaaa! This sucks! You guys are going to be sore as heck for awhile. Glad no one got seriously hurt.
  8. So this "Wii" game has you do the motions of real golf? I've never seen one.
  9. Yea, it's easy to take the tank off though. I have the relay inside the fairing. The fuse is under the seat next to the battery connection. Switched power came from the cigarette lighter power source. There is a ground post inside the fairing.
  10. Separating the passing lamps from the headlights assures that if there is a problem you will still have light to get home. Much better to have them separate. Using a relay is very easy as well. I recommend it. Bob
  11. My greatest gift is the appreciation my mom gave me and my sister for buying her a new laptop computer.
  12. I've heard that buydig is reliable.
  13. Don, The 550 has a car adapter that has a built in speaker and window mount. If you are planning on using the GPS for your car you might want to consider this. It doesn't come with the 450 and is a pretty expensive add on.
  14. Don, I really like the XM radio feature and especially like the ability to answer my phone through the headset. I'm glad I have the 550. Bob
  15. There is no way to avoid deer. They are the dumbest animals on the planet. I've hit them with my car while trying to avoid them and have driven through a herd of deer standing in the middle of the road missing them all.
  16. That was awesome!
  17. No, too cold... I might get a chance tomorrow or the next day. looks like warm weather here.
  18. Cool, we are thinking of getting some puppies from a rescue place. Picking out names can be tough sometimes.
  19. I graduated from high school from Wendover Utah. Man this makes me want to visit the state again.
  20. Man, that's a lot of snow for the West side of Washington!
  21. It will be just me and Ruth at home. Our son Jared will be over. All the rest of our family lives in the Northwest so I suppose we will be making a few phone calls.
  22. Same here with us. Sure makes things easy!
  23. My outside thermometer says 0 degrees. The wind is blowing like crazy so I'd hate to think what the wind chill would be.
  24. It's cold and windy here but no snow. Just talked to family in Spokane Washington and was told that they got pounded with a huge snowstorm.
  25. I had a bicycle frame powdercoated. It actually was much cheaper than having it painted. The powercoating is much tougher than regular paint as well. From what I can remember, the only downside is that the colors are limited.
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