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Mariner Fan

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Everything posted by Mariner Fan

  1. I'm sure you are right Carl. I put some seafoam in it to see if it helps.
  2. We just returned from a vacation trip to Oregon for a week and a half. Jumped on the bike this morning, pulled the choke, and started it up. Trouble is that every time I pushed the choke button in the bike died. I filled the tank up just before we left so the gas is fresh. I figure that either the gas was bad from the gas station or my fuel pump is bad. Bad luck for me!
  3. I hated missing this one. I'll be there for the next one!
  4. I feel you brother!
  5. That mileage is about right. I change my tires earlier than some. My last E3 rear tire was changed at round 16,000 miles.
  6. Brian, my bike runs best on Yamalube too. Runs quieter and shifts smoother.
  7. We are still in Mexico....pretty tough down here! http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s320x320/431714_338247666211875_100000799338655_832159_172052326_n.jpg
  8. I'm in Mazatlan right now. That's crazy news about American currency! The resort that we stay in is American owned and they have no problems changing dollars to pesos. We would never try to pay for meals etc with dollars anyway since that is an invitation to get ripped off.
  9. That sucked. I'll have to hit the hey now.
  10. Happy Birthday Jeff!!
  11. I'm pretty sure I would have killed myself if I had a street bike when I was a teenager! My first street bike was a 1978 Suzuki GS1000 purchased in 1982.
  12. Congratulations! Looks like a nice area!
  13. Nice bike Eddie. I sure liked your Venture though. It's the one that truly stood out!
  14. Roadrunner is my favorite magazine by far!
  15. I missed seeing Bob Seger back in the 70's even though he was one of my favorite singers. I'll bet he still sounds great!
  16. George, I'll be glad to pay you for it. I'll send you a message to discuss. Bob
  17. Hey all, I've managed to break the car mount for my Garmin Zumo 550. Darn thing lost suction on the windshield and fell on the dash breaking the input jack. I use it in the truck during the winter to listen to XM radio. I'm probably going to just buy a new one online, but thought I'd ask if anyone might want to sell theirs. This is what it looks like. http://cdn.buzznet.com/assets/users16/marinerfan/default/zumo-car-mount--gallery-msg-132621887928.jpg Bob
  18. So you took out the cassette and built a box just big enough to hold a ........cassette!
  19. Happy New Year!!!
  20. Looks like we are getting good weather here. Going to take the bike out on a Christmas ride!
  21. Happy Birthday Lonna!!:group cheers:
  22. I only read the speed on my GPS. Strange how they can't seem to get accurate speedometers on a lot of motorcycles.
  23. I would have took a seat and high fived all the guys as I went by!
  24. Geez Randy, sorry about your eye problem and I hope your surgery goes well!
  25. Kevin (Leadwolf56) and Sue Call were down there. I'll bet it's their bike.
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