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Mariner Fan

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Everything posted by Mariner Fan

  1. Looks like this is Casa de Wino tent..... Might have to visit!
  2. Have fun! I used to live in Utah many moons ago.
  3. 06 Black Cherry. One of the best colors made.
  4. I can see over my XXL Clearview if I sit up straight. Just thought I'd say that since I believe it's important to see over the windshield if it is raining hard. Then again, I'd probably park the bike if it's raining really hard and there was a Dairy Queen nearby.
  5. Eck, Are you "bonding" with your wing yet? Getting used to the ride and extra power?
  6. I'll pay the price. I like my tall clearview.
  7. I'm not posting my Garage picture until I mess it up more.
  8. Geez Don, how embarrassing. Look at all the dust and debris on the floor. Break out that broom man!
  9. James, Good luck on your trip. Hope you stay dry! BTW, I used to own a 1978 GS1000C (It had the wire wheels). Man, I loved that bike! Bob
  10. Where are you coming from Morph? Maybe you can hook up with some other folks heading to Oberlin.
  11. I didn't have any troubles with my 404's. I'm wondering if the replacement tires aren't as good as the one's put on the bikes when you buy them. I just put an Elite 3 on the back and I like it alot.
  12. Nice! Can't wait to see the finished project. I visit Springfield from time to time.
  13. Wayne, Do you have your garmin's volume set all the way up? I don't have a drop in audio level from my Garmin XM unit.
  14. Curt that video was freaking awesome! Nice connection with Foreigner "StarRider". Man, that song brings back memories of my first year of college in Spokane Washington. Yea, I'm getting old.....
  15. Awesome post. Wow, what a blessing that the accident caused an X-Ray and a diagnosis of cancer in the early stage. My dad died of lung cancer. It's great that Sparhawk caught it early. Your right about a bucket list. We should all embrace life and all the things that bring us joy.
  16. Geez, can't win out there!
  17. Zumo 550 here. Really like it and have the XM radio puck. Going across country with XM would be great since you don't have to search for stations. It also has an MP3 player and you can answer your phone through the bluetooth. http://cdn.buzznet.com/assets/users16/marinerfan/default/garmin-008--large-msg-122088667708.jpg
  18. Glad your home Don and have completed your treatments. We are wishing you the best.
  19. Really nice! I especially like the extra lighting.
  20. I haven't seen Rick post here in awhile. I'm sure I'll run into him this summer on that White Goldwing sometime.
  21. Wouldn't you subtract the $2 that the bellboy kept? That makes it $25 dollars which the hotel has.
  22. Lynn, I like your style!
  23. That is one nice steed!
  24. I gave up trying to keep computers running. We buy lower end units and replace them every two or three years.
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