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Mariner Fan

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Everything posted by Mariner Fan

  1. I never thought to see how fast we could go on Cruise Control.
  2. Mine might be my last bike as well. I'm perfectly happy with my scoot. If I do get another bike it I would not buy another Venture unless they make improvements. Seems crazy that all the competition is making modifications and Yamaha keeps throwing out the same bike year after year.
  3. Hey Brad, Here is the link to the company that my sister works for. Perhaps there is a fit here. Bob https://naes.jobscience.com/JsrApp/index.cfm?prodApp=cc153c84-af0b-4f17-a32a-75aec3b65159
  4. Nice! I take it that this is a custom paint job?
  5. I had this happen to me a couple of times. The procedure that Eck talked about worked a couple of times but later on nothing would work. Garmin replaced the unit for no charge.
  6. Interesting. Glad you like the tire Buddy.
  7. El Floppo......
  8. Texas hospitality at it's finest. Well done guys!
  9. Sounds like quite an adventure! Glad you got everything home ok.
  10. Me too. I've used Firefox for years with good results.
  11. I use the Shoei RJ Platinum-R. The speakers seem to fit fine in mine and it's Snell rated. It fits my head just fine but you never know about anyone else. Best to try them on before buying one. http://www.helmetcity.com/mm5/graphics/00000001/RJ%20Platinum-R%20Black.jpg http://www.helmetcity.com/page/HC/PROD/rjair/rjairblack
  12. I can't answer how the CD player works but I can tell you that an MP3 or Ipod player is much easier to use and has much more capability.
  13. I'm just venting here unless someone can give me some good advise! I have the Garmin 550 with the GXM-30 puck for my XM needs. Everything was fine until I took the bike to the car wash last Saturday. I never spray water directly on the unit but it does get wet. Now I get a message that says check your XM antenna and I get nothing. The weird thing is when I start the bike after a long downtime XM works. If I stop for gas and turn off the bike the XM antenna quits. If this keeps up, I'm getting on E-Bay for a replacement.
  14. My wife Ruth tries not to leave me to my own devices. I don't know why.
  15. Welcome aboard! Nice Midnight you have. I'm sure you know that they are the fastest of the Ventures.
  16. Heck I missed the post this morning. Must have gotten buried before I noticed it. Nice pictures even though you snuck a few of me when I wasn't looking!
  17. Had a nice time. It was really nice meeting Ron and Peggy. In fact, it was a shame that we had to leave when we did because I wanted to stay awhile longer and visit. Kevin, I know what you mean about the road conditions. It wasn't too bad though. A couple of pictures. At the gas station getting ready to ride. http://cdn.buzznet.com/assets/users16/marinerfan/default/ride-newport-kentucky-008--large-msg-124684085541.jpg http://cdn.buzznet.com/assets/users16/marinerfan/default/ride-newport-kentucky-007--large-msg-124684084147.jpg A Honda Rune http://cdn.buzznet.com/assets/users16/marinerfan/default/ride-newport-kentucky-019--large-msg-124684117828.jpg This bike belongs to a buddy of Sean's. He won a trophy in the show. http://cdn.buzznet.com/assets/users16/marinerfan/default/ride-newport-kentucky-025--large-msg-124684134763.jpg I'll bet this bike would be a kidney buster. http://cdn.buzznet.com/assets/users16/marinerfan/default/ride-newport-kentucky-013--large-msg-124684101213.jpg A Venture and Tour Deluxe trike. http://cdn.buzznet.com/assets/users16/marinerfan/default/ride-newport-kentucky-028--large-msg-12468414753.jpg http://cdn.buzznet.com/assets/users16/marinerfan/default/ride-newport-kentucky-027--large-msg-124684146116.jpg
  18. I'll have to do that! I'm pretty impressed by these holders. I thought they would be junk because it's all plastic but it's held up to all the abuse I could give it. http://cdn.buzznet.com/assets/users16/marinerfan/default/ride-newport-kentucky-005--large-msg-124684070866.jpg
  19. I use one of those cup holders on the front of the bike. I thought of putting one on the back like yours but I was wondering if it would interfere with the lid to the saddlebag.
  20. I had a '65 Corvair convertible. Blue with a white top and interior. Yea, it was a fun car.
  21. Peg, looking forward to seeing you and Ron on Sunday. I'll be the only guy wearing a Seattle Mariners T-shirt and hat. Figure that will help you see me. It's been awhile since I've taken a ride and I'm really anxious to get on the road.
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