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Mariner Fan

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Everything posted by Mariner Fan

  1. Awesome!!
  2. Well, I have a set made by Beer 30. Fantastic product that will last forever.
  3. I just throw a couple of towels in the trunk and go to the car wash. I don't use the brush, just the spray wand. The reason this works better for me is because the water at my house leaves spots not matter how fast I try to dry it. At the car wash they have a spot free rinse so I can get it cleaner, with alot less work by going to the car wash.
  4. Thanks for all the replies. Lots of great suggestions! I'll definitely work with this to see if I can get it comfortable.
  5. Amen to that! Glad your feeling better.
  6. Dang Buddy, you sure go through the bikes! I thought you were still riding the Wing! Got yourself a pretty one there. I have a soft spot for the Midnights.
  7. Ok, I put a Utopia backrest on the bike and I'm wondering where you taller riders have it adjusted. So far, I have it as far down as possible and as far back as I can get it. I'm not sure if I like the thing to be honest. Might take it off the bike before I ride to Oberlin. Maybe a long trip is just the thing I need to decide weather to keep it or not. I've never rode a bike before with a backrest and it's a bit weird to me.
  8. Adjusting the Utopia is simply a thumb screw for forward and backward and a couple of bolts for up and down.
  9. I've wondered if the "lemon pledge attracting bees" thing is just an urban legend. No sense tempting fate I suppose.
  10. I envy you working for a guy you really liked.
  11. I looked it up in the manual. You have to check the little metal tab on the key. Had to get the readers out to see the tiny numbers.
  12. How do you check the key code? Ok, figured it out. I don't match.
  13. Anything can make a bike get squirlley. Road snakes, wet roads, etc. and wind will really move a bike with a fairing around. One more thing; I noticed this alot when the bike was new and I was getting used to it. Now I don't give it a second thought.
  14. I've used them and it helps. Not so much the padding but the Lycra seems to help on long trips.
  15. It's a nice looking seat for sure, especially with the built in backrest. I wonder how it would work for a tall guy? They say that you will not sink down as far as stock so that would help.
  16. You need to go to Radio Shack and get a 3.5 mm Male to Male Jack Audio Cable. Simply plug it into the hole by the cassette player and the other end into you Mp3 player. Set the audio to Aux and your in business!
  17. I just put a Utopia on my bike today. It's a weird feeling having it on the bike. Hope I get it adjusted (back as far as possible) to were I like it. Guess it just takes some getting used to.
  18. Close up of the Utopia. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs534.snc3/30295_1302224198760_1325100858_30683643_2585195_n.jpg
  19. I just installed a Utopia backrest minutes ago. You have to enlarge two holes to 9/32". I took a small piece of 1x4 wood to keep the drill bit from accidentally hitting the rear fender. Took me longer to read the instructions (look at the pictures..lol) and get the tools together than actually installing the backrest. Now I have to adjust it to suit my height. I've heard that if your tall, it should be positioned as low as possible so that is what I did. I'll probably fiddle with the adjustments a bit until I get it just right. http://cdn.buzznet.com/assets/users16/marinerfan/default/large-msg-127593575986.jpg http://cdn.buzznet.com/assets/users16/marinerfan/default/large-msg-127593477354.jpg
  20. Nice! I've always thought that the Venture makes a good looking trike!
  21. She's pretty all right. Almost as good looking as a Midnight!
  22. Have a great time Kevin. Yea, take some pictures for us!
  23. Seems that the way helmets fit reflects on the satisfaction as much as anything. I'm sure alot of folks have bought a helmet and found it doesn't fit well and now they are unsatisfied.
  24. I have one and your welcome to borrow mine to see what you think of it before you go buy one. I used to use mine, but since I had my seat fixed I don't like it as much.
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