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Mariner Fan

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Everything posted by Mariner Fan

  1. Happy Anniversary Ron and Peggy!
  2. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs100.snc4/36371_1314055334531_1325100858_30711482_5004482_n.jpg Sleeperhawk on the left, Mariner Fan on the right. I'm pretty sure that's Eck behind us. I sunburned the heck out of my face on the trip to Oberlin. Got to remember to put some sunscreen on!
  3. Yea, I saw your bike John. It turned out great!
  4. I had to look up what a bierocks is! Looks good and tasty.
  5. I think I should put picture #24 on the garage wall by my bike. It will remind me to put some sunscreen on my face before going on a long ride! Dang, I really shiskabobbed it this time. Nice pictures Al!
  6. :crackup::crackup:
  7. 1678 pictures! Great job as usual Bobbie!
  8. I've had XM on my bike for awhile. I had two different radio's before I got the Garmin. The only thing I could add is that the little antenna's are real prone to dropping out the signal. I don't know why the big XM puck for the Garmin works so well but it does.
  9. Nice pictures Peg. See you and Ron at the Newport Rally.
  10. That's cool! Glad you enjoyed it as well.
  11. Wishing you a speedy recovery James!
  12. That was pretty funny. Well done twinkletoes!
  13. Thanks Don and Eileen! I had a great time.
  14. Great meeting you Tom.
  15. Just went out and checked. It's out.....guess I'll have to look up the number on a replacement lamp. Yea, I wasn't sure when we left. I remember looking down and it was 10:00 and figured we had been riding for an hour or so. BTW, I really like the route we took. Figure to go the same way next year!
  16. Sorry I missed seeing you go Kevin. We pulled out around 9 I think. I was looking around for you as well Eck. Don't blame you for getting an early start. I'm home, cooled off and feeling good. Was a great weekend! BTW, Ruthy is real impressed with my raccoon eyes.
  17. Well, you gave it a good try! I know it cost more, but I'm sticking with Motorcycle tires.
  18. What happens at MD stays in MD.....you will never know......Mwaaaaahaaahaaahaaa. Just kidding....
  19. It's loaded up Jerry. Put it in a box and tied it to the back seat. You know, if you would have gone to MD, you wouldn't have had to worry about this!
  20. Looking forward to seeing you guys. I'll be rolling in the morning!
  21. Haha, I was thinking the same thing!
  22. Or, you could just not use it. I only use mine to shift into neutral from first.
  23. I'm meeting with Steve and Irene at around 10:00. Looks like you guys are going to beat us there. See you on Friday!
  24. He talked me into taking the seat with me Kevin. Still trying to figure out how to tie the darn thing down!
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